Spoils of War Highest Rated Sci-fi/Fantasy at ARe

Woo hoo!!!

In other news…I’m down with the flu, with a layer of crud in my chest trying its valiant best to smother me (gah) so I’ve taken the past couple of days off for some serious R&R in hopes of avoiding pneumonia. Being feverish and woozy doesn’t lend itself to quality fic (at least not in my case) so I decided to totally decompress, nothing but play for moi. Which leads us to Josh Lanyon’s cover art contest. Josh is getting the rights back soon to his “In a Dark Wood” from the Arresting Developments anthology with Aspen Mountain Press and plans to re-release it as a stand-alone for Amazon Kindle. To enter his contest, design a cover for “In a Dark Wood” and post the link in this thread by December 1st. Winner gets bragging rights and $50.

Being a total Josh Lanyon fan girl and a freelance graphic designer, of course, I had to design a cover. Do I care about the $50? Not really, but bragging rights would be sweet. Anyhoo, what I ultimately came up with:

I now wish I’d made the title larger, but oh well, (Strange Brew reference anyone?) no point in steering now. So…What do you think? Comment below by Friday, Nov. 12th, either on my cover entry or Spoils of War‘s awesome ratings at ARe and I’ll choose someone at random to receive a prize package of cool promo items — bookmarks, cover flats, pen, notepad, I think I even have an extra canvas tote.

Good luck — to you and me both! 😉

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OMG, Lovely Wicked is at Amazon!

I may weep. Lovely Wicked is now available at Amazon here! Not sure about Lovely Wicked? There are three — count ’em, three — chapters sampled for free download and I’m here to tell ya, there is much m/f smexy hotness going on. Bwa ha ha. So if my single chapter excerpt intrigued you and you’re wondering what happens next? Grab the sample from Amazon. And prepare to squirm. 😉

And if you like the Amazon sample, don’t forget that there’s still a chance at getting Lovely Wicked for free. To enter for the drawing for a FREE copy, go to the Lovely Wicked Spotlight at Happily Ever After Reviews, follow the Happily Ever After Review blog and leave your name & email addy in the comments section by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow (Friday, November 5th). Good luck!

Spoils of War is also now available at All Romance Ebooks here, which is exceedingly cool since both titles are at ARe now.

Finally…Thanks to the urging of fellow Noble authors, I’m playing around on Twitter! Some writerly news, some me just being a smart@ss. If your smart@ssery quotient is high (he he he), you can follow me here.

Happy reading, everybody!

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Lovely Wicked in the Spotlight

If you haven’t picked up your copy of Lovely Wicked, Happily Ever After Reviews is featuring it in today’s Spotlight! To enter for a drawing for a FREE copy, go to the Lovely Wicked Spotlight, follow the Happily Ever After Review blog and leave your name & email addy in the comments section by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, November 5th. Good luck!

Otherwise…I’ve had a personal twitter account for epochs, but never tweeted myself. I just used the account to stalk follow my favorite authors, publishers and etc., but fellow Noble authors have persuaded me that it’s well past time I sync my accounts and get in the twitter groove. I’m now tweeting my goodread reviews, news on my books & appearances, and whatever bizarre absurdity floats through my mind when I’m supposed to be working, bwa ha ha. Follow me here.

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5 Nymphs for Spoils of War!

Critter Nymph at Literary Nymph Reviews rated Spoils of War 5 Nymphs:

Micah is one of those characters that the reader will have no problem caring about, and the pain and suffering he goes through will tear at your heart. The character of Eli is as strongly written as Micah. The patience and understanding he shows the young man helps Micah on his road to healing. These two men fit together perfectly and I could not put the story down.

Read the full review here.

Woo hoo!!! 😀

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My First Newsletter Subscriber Random Prize Drawing Winner is…

Jody F!

Jody has been contacted by email and as soon as she replies with her mailing address, her prize package will be on the way. So…What’d she win? Jody will receive a Spoils of War coffee mug stuffed with a trial size of my favorite coffee of the moment (Millstone Chocolate Velvet), single serve specialty hot chocolate mixes and chocolate-dipped peppermint stir sticks. (I’m jonesing on a major choco-caffeine buzz right now. No. Lie. LOL)


My first newsletter should begin arriving in subscriber mailboxes shortly. Aren’t a subscriber? Sign up for my newsletter in the lower left corner of every page of this site! Current subscribers, if you have any comments about the newsletter (improvements, what you’d like to see, etc) just hit reply to your newsletter or comment below.


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The winner is…Nancy Carbajal!

Congratulations, Nancy! I shot you an email and will send the file of your choice of either Spoils of War or Lovely Wicked in pdf or mobi as soon as I hear back from you.

Thank you, everyone, for participating! I’m a contest ho so be on the lookout for other fun drawings and giveaways!

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Spoils of War – 5 stars at MR

Keep commenting through the weekend for your chance at the FREE giveaway of Spoils of War — the winner will be drawn & announced as soon as the coffee kicks in Monday morning. In the meantime, AlexJouJou posted a 5 star review for Spoils of War at Manic Readers:

Spoils of War has one of the most intense and lyrical opening chapters of any novella I’ve ever read. The prose is sparse but every word is measured for impact—an emotional avalanche that will leave your heart breaking…After having read Kari Gregg’s last novel, Lovely Wicked, I can say that I see a common thread running through her books…—the idea that all souls are worth redeeming. That the resilience of the spirit will never cease to amaze you and that, in the end, there is always love. This is a novella I will read and re-read and it will continue to touch my heart for some time to come.

Which made me weepy, but in a good, this-is-awesome way. 😉

Read the full review here.

Until Monday…

5 Star

(woo hoo!)

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Spoils of War Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Spoils of War I’m giving away a free pdf or Kindle-friendly mobi of the winner’s choice of either Spoils of War or Lovely Wicked! Just comment below (“Hi, Kari” works fine) before 8:00 a.m. EST on Monday, October 25th to enter. (Don’t freak if you don’t see your comment right away — comments are moderated to avoid Sorry-I-Don’t-Speak-Lithuanian spam.) You must be at least 18 years old to enter, one entry per household. One winner will be selected at random and posted here on Monday so comment away to get your chance at a freebie of one of my books.

Also, a happy squee from me, Lovely Wicked received 4 nymphs from Literary Nymphs Reviews!

Not for the faint of heart, if you want to read something that will hold you captive, turn you on, make you sick, laugh and cry until you aren’t sure what is what anymore, I recommend Lovely Wicked to you.

Which is way, way cool. Read the full review here.

Comment below for the drawing. Good luck — and happy reading!

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And the winner is…

Julie S.

I’ve emailed Julie the $10 Noble promotional code and will send the rest of her prize package on Monday! Didn’t win? Don’t despair. Check my Fun & Free page for my Twofer Noble Launch Contest and keep an eye out for info about another giveaway very soon. 😉

In the meantime, Spoils of War releases in a few hours. I fell for Micah and Eli writing this story and I hope you fall in love with them, too.

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Spoils of War

Fiona Jayde, you are my hero — I love, Love, LOVE this cover! Spoils of War, my new m/m novella, is all set to release at Noble Romance on Monday, October 18th.

Enslaved during the invasion of the rival King of Herra, Micah cut off his emotions and adapted to his new life in servitude. Xerxes, the Herran King, abuses his captive to keep the neighboring kingdom of Alekia under his yoke, but after Micah nearly dies when plague sweeps Herra, the Alekian King sends Eli to bring his beloved son home. Institutionalized by his slavery, unable to cope with his freedom, Micah seeks to please the new Master he’s found in Eli throughout their harrowing journey to a homeland he no longer remembers. Eli protects the young man and introduces Micah to the pleasures denied him as a prisoner.

Will Micah accept his noble birthright when they reach Alekia and more importantly, can he accept Eli as the devoted slave his father has given him rather than the Master he’s come to love?

And the book trailer:

You can also read an excerpt of Spoils of War by clicking on the My books tab above.

If you entered the Lovely Wicked Launch contest, check your email Monday to see if you’ve won. Haven’t entered? You aren’t too late! For your chance at lots of goodies (including $10 Noble promotional code, Lovely Wicked canvas tote bag & mug, and hello, chocolate — see my Fun & Free page for details), just subscribe to my newsletter (lower left corner of this page) and subscribe to Noble Romance’s newsletter here. That’s it! The winner will be drawn at random, notified and announced in my newsletter by the release of Spoils of War on Monday.

Two books (almost) down. One (Vampyr Chronicles: What Rough Beast) to go. With any kind of luck (and a lot of work), my m/m BDSM shifter story could release between now and What Rough Beast in January, too. Wow. The past couple months have been insane, but I wouldn’t have missed this ride for all the whole bean Columbian coffee in…Well, Columbia, I guess. Cause if you think I’m giving up the coffee in my kitchen, you’re even crazier than I am. 😉

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