Ho Ho Ho — Flash Fic Holiday Blog Hop!

ffhbh_badge4-200Ready for some heart-warming holiday cheer? Click on the image above for some fantastic (and FREE) flash fics from some of your fave M/M authors! And read on for my holiday contribution…


Lane stared at the ornament. The canned Christmas carols piping through the store’s sound system faded away, as did the crowd animal rumble of holiday shoppers. He forgot the irritation of finding a parking spot, his worry about money, even the constant fear of doing the wrong thing. Again. The transparent glass ball nestled atop its cheesy display of fake evergreen bunches and red ribbon captured his entire focus, holding him transfixed.

The ornament was fragile, the glass so thin and delicate Lane feared leaning closer to examine the useless bit of frippery more closely, as though even his breath might shatter the thing. Why had the shopkeeper placed the ball so prominently in a high traffic area, when only one accidental nudge from a customer could send it tumbling from its precarious nest? One moment of inattention and carelessness promised a disaster of shattered glass, impossible to sweep free of the store’s thick carpet. Someone could get hurt.

Still, the twinkling lights reflected on the curved surface of the bauble just so, mesmerizing him. He needed to move. Jason wanted to pick out an ornament, a special one recognizing their first holiday together. Lane had only met the gregarious florist late last summer, outside his neat little shop near the methadone clinic. Instead of cringing from a scruffy ex-con in a battered leather jacket, Jason had smiled at him. Lane’s scraggly ponytail, three days of unshaven stubble shadowing his jaw, and the prison pallor that had marked him as newly paroled hadn’t put Jason off. He’d chattered. Graciously thanked him for rescuing the enormous spray of blooms and greenery that had been tipping from his overburdened arms. He’d let Lane help carry deliveries to his shop’s van, then invited him back for coffee later.

As though Lane was no more dangerous than the spray of lilies going to some rich bitch’s wedding.

He’d gone back for coffee all right, even though he’d already gotten his methadone and the clinic was across town from the cheap room Lane rented and well out of his way. Groaned through the exquisite blowjob Jason had treated him to in the back of that van too. Kneeling over Lane’s dick, Jason had looked up at him after, a stray curl of sunny blond hair falling over his forehead, his lips shiny with spit, red, and swollen. Those lush fuckable lips had twisted into a beaming smile and Lane had been a goner. Done for. Game over. He’d been hooked on that mouth—and Jason—ever since.

Whatever Jason wanted, Lane made damn sure he got.

A boyfriend with a steady job? Check. Moving crates through a warehouse on the docks might not be glamorous, but it paid well. Just enough to cover his half of the rent and utilities when he and Jason had moved in together.

A lover who wasn’t a junky? Check. Maybe he’d intended to rob Jason that first day. Maybe not. Not one sunset passed without Lane craving a fix, but he hadn’t shaken Jason down for cash last summer or gone looking for heroin since. Instead, he’d become a regular at the clinic that had seemed so depressing and impossible the morning they’d met.

Lane had learned to order the fancy coffees Jason liked, how to uniformly chop vegetables his boy needed while cooking their meals, and that falling asleep with a short, skinny bundle of bones that smelled of the roses Jason worked with settled something deep and troubling inside him.

Lane couldn’t remember the last time he’d cared about the holidays or decorating a tree, but if Jason wanted to invest three hours of a rare Saturday off work canvasing specialty stores and boutiques for a first Christmas together ornament, Lane would make damn sure they found exactly what had popped into his demented head as perfect.

Like maybe this ornament.

He didn’t startle at the arms looping around his waist under his coat or at the warm weight pressing behind him. The familiar scent of flowers wafted around him even before Jason leaned his head against Lane’s bicep. “I thought I’d lost you,” Jason said. “In the crowd.”

“Never.” Not in the crowd. Not to prison. Not to the monkey riding Lane’s back. Anywhere Jason was? That was home. Lane would never be lost again. He shifted his hands to cover Jason’s, now clasped around Lane’s middle, and squeezed to return the hug he still couldn’t quite believe was his any time he wanted. He jerked his chin to the display. “What about that one?”

Blond hair spilling around him like a golden halo, Jason tipped his head this way and that, blue eyes sparkling with interest as he examined the pretty, delicate bauble. “The year is etched in the glass,” he said, his low voice lifting with interest.

“You said my present had to have the year on it.” Not that Lane cared about the damn ornament, whether Jason’s gift included snowmen or penguins dripping scarves, neither of which had passed Jason’s muster as good enough. Nor had the countless ornaments Jason had inspected over the course of the morning. Lane would’ve been satisfied with the crystal heart in the first store they’d visited, but not Jason who knew exactly what he was looking for and wouldn’t stop until he’d found that. “I like the snow,” Lane added, which he supposed was true. Fluffy flakes of God knows what had settled within the clear globe on display, glittering faintly.

“You do?” Jason looked up, transferring his concentration from the ornament to Lane.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“You aren’t just saying that because you’re tired of shopping,” Jason said, eyebrow arched dubiously. “Because we can stop. I can finish looking by myself later.”

“I’m not tired,” Lane lied. Nothing would convince him to suggest a halt to this mission until their prize had been won. Doing this together was important to Jason. “I really do like it.” He’d liked twenty other ornaments before this, too, but he opted against mentioning that. Smarter.

“Oh.” Glance still suspicious, Jason resumed the obsessive inspection of this store’s quarry. He frowned. Squeezed his arms around Lane’s waist. “You don’t think it’s too…too…breakable? The glass looks thin. If we aren’t careful, very careful, this won’t last a year.”

And when he’d first met Jason, Lane had been positive they wouldn’t last the hour. The day. A week. “This is the one,” Lane said, suddenly as certain of that as he was of the man whose arms held him tight, “and it’s my gift. You wanted me along to pick the right ornament. This present had to be perfect. That’s what you said.” When Jason just blinked up at him, Lane couldn’t resist bending down for a brief kiss. To hell with the other holiday shoppers. If they were offended, they could fuck off. “This is what I want. We won’t break it, I promise. We’ll be careful.”

Hadn’t the both of them been careful so far?

Finally, Jason flashed that smile. The same grin that had conned Lane into helping instead of robbing Jason that first morning, that had charmed him into the back of Jason’s van later. The one that had melted him in ways even Jason’s extremely skilled blowjob hadn’t. “If you’re sure,” Jason said.

“I am.” Lane had never been so sure of anything in his life. No matter how fragile or delicate both he and that ornament were, nothing could be safer. He had faith, not just in Jason. Lane wasn’t the same shaky man Jason had seduced, not any more. Lane had faith in himself. “Now go pay for my gift so I can take you home and thank you properly.”

“All right then.” Jason hugged Lane’s middle tight before perching on tiptoe to kiss Lane again. “Merry Christmas.”

With Jason’s kiss still warming his lips, Lane smiled too. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

* ~ * ~ *

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Black Friday Bargain Basement Smut!

Hoping you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I did make it home so I’m 100% full of happy. 🙂

But…now it’s crazypants Black Friday time. Y’all been shopping yet? I have. In my pjs, no bra, on my couch, cause if you think I’m going to hie my butt out the door to join in the Black Friday melee, you’re nuts, LOL. I value my life too much. Also, I’m broke. 😉

Anyhoo, if you aren’t all shopped out, I’ve got a deal or two for you!


99 cents

at all vendors

thru Christmas Day!









Happy shopping…and happy reading!

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Pervy Werewolves? Hell to the yes! Tame a Wild Human

TameAWildHuman_1800x2700HRCOMING JANUARY 19TH!

Drugged, bound, and left as bait on the cusp of the lunar cycle, Wyatt Redding is faced with a terrifying set of no-win scenarios. Best case: he survives the coming days as a werewolf pack’s plaything and returns to the city as a second-class citizen with the mark—and protection—of the pack. Worst case: the wolves sate their lusts with Wyatt’s body, then send him home without their protection, condemning him to live out the rest of his short life as a slave to the worst of humanity’s scorn and abuse.

Wyatt’s only chance is to swallow every ounce of pride, bury his fear, and meekly comply with every wicked desire and carnal demand the wolf pack makes of him. He expects three days of sex and humiliation. What he doesn’t expect is to start enjoying it. Or to grow attached to his captor and pack Alpha, Cole.

As the lunar cycle ends, Wyatt begins to realize that the only thing to fear more than being sent home without the pack’s protection is being sent home at all.

* ~ * ~ *

Baby, it might be cold outside, but I guaran-damn-tee your January will be scorching. 😀 My sooper seekrit shifter smutorama, Tame a Wild Human, is available for pre-order right the feck NOW at Riptide.


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Better late than never? MATING SEASON!

It’s not very often an author misses her own release date, but…ahem…Demonstrably, that happens. At least it happens to me. Mortifying, really. Dh’s been ill and although he’s on the mend now, it’s very true to say the last little while has not been fun times in the Gregg neighborhood. Vast understatement. With one thing and another, “Mating Season”’s release sailed right past me. (Good God!)


He didn’t believe in the monster of the lake . . . but that didn’t make it any less real.

When Danny needs a getaway, his best friend goads him into a week-long hiking trip. Who cares if local superstitions and old wives tales warn the wary to avoid the lake once summer nights turn chilly? The trails are still pretty, the wildlife just as plentiful, and the fall colors beautiful for the lens of Danny’s digital camera. Nothing sinister could happen, not here.

Danny was wrong. Assaulted by lusty tentacles that push his body—and his sanity—to the brink, Danny is then held captive by his best friend, betrayed for the sake of science. Unable to escape and terrified of the changes in his body, Danny’s alternatives are few. He will be returned, over and over, to the monster.

But maybe his future isn’t as bleak as it originally seemed.

Many, MANY thank you’s and sincere gratitude to those who noticed “Mating Season” had begun to strut without my head’s up and made “Mating Season” a site-wide bestseller at ARe as well as bestseller on Amazon’s Gay & Lesbian Horror list. Wow. God’s honest truth, that made getting back to work a whole lot less of an ordeal. So…thank you!

For those of you who didn’t know about the release, my bit of super duper creepy tentacle smexin is available at:

Barnes & Noble
and other retailers!

Please heed the content warnings, which I don’t have in front of me at the moment, but trust me, are plentiful. With reason. If “Mating Season” doesn’t turn your crank while freaking you right the hell out, nothing will. I kitchen sinked this one, you are hereby forewarned, LOL.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…if the tentacle festival of smutty woot that is “Mating Season” happens to strike you as an OMFG Yes Please this Halloween, you might want to check out the other single releases from the Bump in the Night anthology in which “Mating Season” initially appeared: Laylah Hunter’s “Resurrection Man” as well as Heidi Belleau and Sam Schooler’s “Blasphemer, Sinner, Saint.” My hearty congrats to those authors on their releases!

Finally, a brief heya to newbies (and veterans in the m/m writerly mosh pit too, for that matter)…The next time you think you screwed up? HA! At least you didn’t miss your own release date, man. Farkin embarrassing. Egads.

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Newsy Bits — Mating Season and I, Omega

Halloween’s one of my absolute favorite times of year. I adore being scared…almost as much as I lurv cackling around my yard whilst I set up a small army of spooky props. If you’re buds with me on Facebook, you might’ve seen these pics of my creepy wootfest in progress:

 DSCN2454 DSCN2466   DSCN2468

But there will be MUCH, MUCH more to come. This is just crap around my yard — and the tip of that iceberg, at that. I haven’t even started on my haunted trail yet. Or the task lighting. Which is vera, vera important. 😉

Anyway, I had to post the shot of my much in-progress tentacle bush in honor of the single release of the wonderfully pervy smut-o-pacolypse I wrote for last year’s Bump in the Night anthology with Riptide, Mating Season which is available for pre-order RIGHT NOW:


He didn’t believe in the monster of the lake . . . but that didn’t make it any less real.

When Danny needs a getaway, his best friend goads him into a week-long hiking trip. Who cares if local superstitions and old wives tales warn the wary to avoid the lake once summer nights turn chilly? The trails are still pretty, the wildlife just as plentiful, and the fall colors beautiful for the lens of Danny’s digital camera. Nothing sinister could happen, not here.

Danny was wrong. Assaulted by lusty tentacles that push his body—and his sanity—to the brink, Danny is then held captive by his best friend, betrayed for the sake of science. Unable to escape and terrified of the changes in his body, Danny’s alternatives are few. He will be returned, over and over, to the monster.

But maybe his future isn’t as bleak as it originally seemed.

If the spooky funfest is calling your name and something wonderfully dirty…and so wrong…but so incredibly OMFG hot…sounds like a great way to spend a pleasant evening, just click on the cover above to place your order today. Can’t wait? Alrighty then! You can still find my smutty tentacle smexin and fabulous stories from other seriously disturbed individuals talented authors like Heidi Belleau, Ally Blue, and Laylah Hunter in the Bump in the Night antho!

Awesome, no?

But wait! There’s more Halloween wooting to be had! I also recently reissued my bitch slap o’ shifter kink:


After one mind-shattering night with a stranger at a local leather bar leaves him forever changed, Gabriel lives on the streets as a vagrant to elude the master who hunts him, but the shifter is a fierce, stubborn predator who reclaims him soon enough. Gabriel is carried away to the pack’s home territory where his instruction on what it means to be the pet of an alpha begins. Gabriel isn’t just any pet, though. He is the rarest among their kind: a human omega.

Treasured? Or cursed?

As Gabriel’s father, the Distinguished Gentleman from Pennsylvania and stalwart of the conservative party, pushes the considerable resources at his disposal to locate his missing son, Gabriel explores who and what he is under his master’s careful protection. Gabriel falls for the shifter who is lover and destroyer, owner and…friend?

Content Warnings: Dubious consent, lotsa kink, and an embarrassment of riches in hormonal anarchy – RAWR!

NOTE: This is a previously published work.

And at a new low price, too — $3.99 which is what? A buck or two lower than it was priced before? Ni-i-i-i-ce. Except it gets nicer. Until the clock of doom strikes midnight on October 31st, you can pick up I, Omega at ARe 25% off — for (holy shit!) $2.99.

Basically, whether you’re in the mood for smoking hot tentsex or howling at the moon with shifter RAWR this Halloween, I’ve totally got you covered.

You might also want to keep your ear to the ground. Got another project coming up, one I can’t talk about yet. But compadres, it’s a DOOZY. 😀

Smutfully Yours,

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Spoils of War available NOW!

Wahoo and wa-hey, lookie at what’s available now at Loose Id!


Enslaved during the invasion of the rival King of Herra, Micah cut off his emotions and adapted to his new life in servitude. Xerxes, the Herran King, abuses his captive to keep the neighboring kingdom of Alekia under his yoke, but after Micah nearly dies when plague sweeps Herra, the Alekian King sends Eli to bring his beloved son home. Conditioned by his slavery, unable to cope with his freedom, Micah seeks to please the new master he’s found in Eli throughout their harrowing journey to a homeland he no longer remembers. Eli protects the young man and introduces Micah to the pleasures denied him as a prisoner.

Will Micah accept his noble birthright when they reach Alekia, and more importantly, can he accept Eli as the devoted slave his father has given him rather than the master he’s come to love?

Look for Spoils of War at Amazon, ARe, Barnes & Nobles, and other vendors in the next day or three. 😉

Congrats to gm, for winning the random drawing for a free copy of Spoils of War on my blog, as well as to Angel W for winning a free copy of Spoils along with a free ebook of Spoils‘ sequel, Plunder in my random subscriber drawing for my new release newsletter. Never read Plunder? Now’s your chance, but you’ll have to act fast! To woot Spoils‘ release, Loose Id has temporarily slashed the price of Plunder by TWO BUCKS to $4.99 until January 16th. YAY!

Hoping you’ll love Micah and Eli as much as I do…Happy reading!

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Spoils of War — new year, new cover, new life…and a giveaway!

Many a moon ago (last summer, LOL), I got the rights back to my first m/m book, a fantasy novella called Spoils of War, about a month prior to the original publisher of that book folding. Thus ending a long, ugly war over frankenPODs, unreported sales, miscalculated & MIA royalties, filing a lawsuit, and an extremely unpleasant partridge in a sooper stressful pear tree. (Any other author who’s been through it and pushed to the other side knows exactly what I’m talking about. Not a fun time.)

With my rights safely tucked in my pocket, I could breathe again. And finally — finally — I could do right by that book. Rather than rolling Spoils back into the market with a spiffy new cover, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work! I loved Micah and Eli, of course, but I was very new when I wrote that book, which didn’t get a lot of editing. I’m a much stronger writer now and I knew I could make that story better. So that’s what I did.


Enslaved during the invasion of the rival King of Herra, Micah cut off his emotions and adapted to his new life in servitude. Xerxes, the Herran King, abuses his captive to keep the neighboring kingdom of Alekia under his yoke, but after Micah nearly dies when plague sweeps Herra, the Alekian King sends Eli to bring his beloved son home. Conditioned by his slavery, unable to cope with his freedom, Micah seeks to please the new master he’s found in Eli throughout their harrowing journey to a homeland he no longer remembers. Eli protects the young man and introduces Micah to the pleasures denied him as a prisoner.

Will Micah accept his noble birthright when they reach Alekia, and more importantly, can he accept Eli as the devoted slave his father has given him rather than the master he’s come to love?

For fans of the first edition of this book…The story you came to love has not changed. Micah is still Micah; Eli is still Eli. If the horrific formatting of the first edition made you batty, though, that’s been fixed. Craft issues that drove me bonkers have been addressed, to give readers a smoother and more elegant ride, too. I also added a short epilogue that didn’t appear in the first edition for a more pronounced HEA so if you longed for that sweet ending sigh when  you read it years ago, now’s your chance.

I can’t thank my editors at Loose Id enough for helping me polish my first and much beloved m/m book into a better, stronger story — the story I wished Spoils had been when it released back in 2010.

And with all that said…Where’s the deets on the free stuff, right? LOL!

Very fitting that my new year should start with a new beginning for my very first m/m story. What about you? What are you hoping for in 2014? Comment below by 12:01 a.m. EST on January 14th, the release date for the new & improved Spoils of War, to be entered into a random drawing for a FREE ebook of the revised edition!

Wishing you all a 2014 full of love, laughter, opportunities, and adventure…

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NOW Available ~ Pretty Poison!


Deadly poison…or exquisite cure?

Noah fell from an eighth story balcony as a toddler, cracking open his skull and shattering his body. The accident would’ve killed a human, but even shifter blood can’t heal some damage. After the pack recommended a mercy killing, Noah’s family ran. But there’s no outrunning the mating pact formed before Noah’s birth.

Wade, the new alpha, chooses an adult Noah to fulfill the pact. Wade believes the previous alpha was a fool to reject Noah as a weak and inferior wolf, but Noah’s family was wrong to hide him and starve his wolf, too. Human doctors with human medicines are poison to shifter physiology. Now that Noah is fully grown, halting his shift to retain the pins, plates, and bars holding him together hurts rather than helps him, and for Wade, more than Noah’s recovery is at stake.

Noah’s family sacrificed everything to keep him alive. Noah will do whatever it takes to save them—including mate with the alpha who is determined to correct past mistakes and defeat old prejudices contaminating the shifter community.

Too bad some still believe Noah is the true poison…and should be culled from the pack for good.

Content Warnings: Dubious consent, shifter knotting/tying, and Nerf gun assassination attempts. Ereaders (and you) may spontaneously combust–Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

54,540 Words

It’s out now, dudes! And a woot-worthy early review, too!

“If I created a wish list of sorts for qualities I would like a MM shifter story to have, Kari Gregg checked off a good number of them with “Pretty Poison”. There is a ginger MC (YES!), alpha mating (YES!), a strong-willed MC with a disability (YES!), hot sex (HELLO!) and a strong mating bond (SCORE!)”Boy Meets Boy Reviews

YAY! You can find Pretty Poison at Amazon and ARe (Barnes and Nobles soon, I promise). If you’re interested in the paperback, I’ll do you even better — under Amazon’s Matchbook program, if you buy the paperback, you should be able to purchase the Kindle edition of Pretty Poison for $1.99. Since the paperback is listing at $9.49, you’ll get BOTH print and digital editions for — God, please deliver me from elementary level math — uh…Less than twelve bucks. Whatever. It’s a good deal, LOL.

Happy, happy release day to me — and Merry Christmas to all you peeps. Hope you like my smexyful shifters. 🙂

Ho ho ho —

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Pretty Poison — Giveaway!

Hiya, dudes! Pardon me for interrupting the program here for a Pretty Poison pre-release review WOOT:

If I created a wish list of sorts for qualities I would like a MM shifter story to have, Kari Gregg checked off a good number of them with “Pretty Poison”. There is a ginger MC (YES!), alpha mating (YES!), a strong-willed MC with a disability (YES!), hot sex (HELLO!) and a strong mating bond (SCORE!) (Boy Meets Boy Reviews)


The release for Pretty Poison is about a week away so…time for a pre-release giveaway drawing!

PrettyPoisonDeadly poison…or exquisite cure?

Noah fell from an eighth story balcony as a toddler, cracking open his skull and shattering his body. The accident would’ve killed a human, but even shifter blood can’t heal some damage. After the pack recommended a mercy killing, Noah’s family ran. But there’s no outrunning the mating pact formed before Noah’s birth.

Wade, the new alpha, chooses an adult Noah to fulfill the pact. Wade believes the previous alpha was a fool to reject Noah as a weak and inferior wolf, but Noah’s family was wrong to hide him and starve his wolf, too. Human doctors with human medicines are poison to shifter physiology. Now that Noah is fully grown, halting his shift to retain the pins, plates, and bars holding him together hurts rather than helps him, and for Wade, more than Noah’s recovery is at stake.

Noah’s family sacrificed everything to keep him alive. Noah will do whatever it takes to save them—including mate with the alpha who is determined to correct past mistakes and defeat old prejudices contaminating the shifter community.

Too bad some still believe Noah is the true poison…and should be culled from the pack for good.


Content Warnings: Dubious consent, shifter knotting/tying, and Nerf gun assassination attempts. Ereaders (and you) may spontaneously combust–Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Length: 54,540 words

Noah, my hero in Pretty Poison, is all about the stubborn. No matter what life throws at him, he won’t back down or give up. Ever. He’s no delicate flower. He goes after what he wants.

What do you want? For Christmas, that is. 😉

Leave a comment here with your email address and what YOU want for Christmas. I’ll randomly draw one commenter to receive a free ebook copy of Pretty Poison (winner’s choice of pdf, mobi/prc for Kindle, or epub) on Saturday night, December 14th. Yup, the winner will receive a copy of Pretty Poison before the book releases and everybody else gets a shot at it. Sound good? Comment for your chance to win!

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Pretty Poison — Excerpt

Just a head’s up — If you haven’t signed up for my new release newsletter (which has a random subscriber prize drawing, ho ho ho), please do so on the menu bar to the right. I only send newsletters when I have a new release so I solemnly promise not to abuse your inbox. 😉 And who knows, you might win a prezzie before Christmas!  Which would be awesome.

Also, keep your eyes right here for a pre-release giveaway of Pretty Poison starting in the next few days.

Finally, if you are a reviewer who wants an ARC of Pretty Poison and who also doesn’t mind that I won’t have live buylinks for the book until December 16th, feel free to give me a shout-out at kari (at) karigregg [DOT] com and I’ll shoot a pdf to you pronto.

With all that business taken care of…Kick back. Relax. Put your feet up. Because boy, do I ever have a story to tell you… 😀


Noah heard the crunch of tires on gravel outside only because that morning’s migraine had silenced his mp3 player, which he’d shoved into a dresser drawer. He’d maxed out his meds for the day. The worst of his blinding headache was gone so music wouldn’t have been painful, but after his sick agony earlier, the quiet soothed him. Hunched over his laptop, he usually hummed along while he updated websites for his clients, the beat of arena rock coaxing his fingers to fly over the keyboard. Even softer melodies would’ve been uncomfortable with his stomach still tender from vomiting and his sore muscles tight from clenching, though. Silence was better.

He frowned at the muffled thump of car doors closing in the driveway.

Weird. The farm entertained few visitors.

Ignoring the distant rumble of voices and the screech of the opening front porch door, Noah focused on his computer screen. He knew the drill. His dad met distributors at a diner a few miles away to sell their crops, but inspectors sometimes assessed their operation to ensure they fulfilled organic farming requirements. Sunset was late for an inspection. Maybe neighbors needed a favor or help? The reasons didn’t really matter to Noah. When outsiders came, he stayed hidden. Humans weren’t as eager to hurt him after Dr. Phares accepted him as a patient, but he’d learned not to take chances.

He tuned out the noises and worked.

The tap on his bedroom door didn’t alarm him, either. When he hobbled to the door, his eldest brother stood in the hallway. Tall, beefy with muscle, and dark like most shifters, Mikael often let Noah know when humans arrived at the farm as well as when it was safe for Noah to leave his room.

“Come with me,” his brother said, face ashen.

That pricked Noah’s unease. He trusted his family. His dad and his brothers had proven a million times they could be relied upon to protect him. Noah was alive because of his family’s diligence and sacrifice. If Mikael said he had to go, then he would go.

Noah shut down his laptop. After the screen went black, he fetched his forearm crutches. Dread stirring, Noah pushed his glasses up his nose with a bunched shoulder and followed his brother’s silent hulking back.

He stumbled when they reached the living room. Noah’s mother had died shortly after Noah’s first shift at puberty, but the house was the same as she’d left it: full of overstuffed furniture, draping afghans, family pictures, and vases that Noah’s father still supplied with wildflowers. The cluttered living room wasn’t big. And Noah had never seen so many shifters inside it.

He’d never seen so many shifters. Ever. Not this close.

Terror sprinted through him, fiery hot, because he recognized some of these men. City shifters. The pack from town. The same shifters who had wanted to kill him when he was a toddler. A mercy killing, they’d called it. After he’d fallen eight stories from a high-rise balcony, when he’d awakened from weeks in a coma to paralyzed legs and excruciating migraines, these shifters would’ve ended him. His parents had fled to the country instead and made enemies of their former pack by seeking human medical treatments to help Noah.

Was this it then? Had the city shifters finally decided to exact judgment?

Trembling more than a little, Noah clamped his mouth shut while Mikael guided him to join his father and his other brothers who perched stiff and pale on the couch on one side of the cramped room. They faced a small army of betas from the town pack, who stood behind an easy chair occupied by a sprawling man who must be their new alpha. Dressed in casual khakis and a form-fitting black T-shirt, he blended in with the other shifters, but no one would mistake the intense energy that vibrated the air around him. Nor his eyes. Dark as midnight. They glittered with command. And fury.

Noah shuddered.

Rather than dropping to the couch with his family, he stood beside them, leaning against his crutches as his wrecked knees jellied. He wouldn’t risk the censure of the shifter horde by drawing attention to his brace and crutches by sitting. His father, alarmingly, hung his head low and focused his stare on the living room carpet. Wouldn’t look at Noah, whose fear rocketed when his brothers wouldn’t meet his gaze, either.

Although he must certainly smell the stench of Noah’s mounting terror, the alpha smiled. Wade. Wasn’t that the new alpha’s name? He studied Noah for moments that felt like lifetimes, his stare lingering on Noah’s forearm crutches. Noah slumped his shoulders, trying to look as insignificant as possible. The accident had stunted his growth, and he’d topped out at five foot six inches. He couldn’t pull off invisibility, but at least being small wasn’t difficult, even if being shorter than everyone else in the room was another strike against him.

“This is the boy?”

Noah shivered at the alpha’s voice.

Stress lines bracketing his mouth, Noah’s father confirmed that Noah was indeed the boy with a murmured, “Yes.”

“The pact you formed with the old alpha demands the selection of this generation’s alpha mate among your children. Since the child specified, your eldest, married a human,” Wade said, mouth twisting to a terse grin, “I can now pick from your sons, and your family is required to give him up.” When Noah peered through a layer of lashes, the alpha nodded. “You may consider the pact satisfied.” He angled his head at Noah. “Him.”

Noah’s stomach plummeted to the floor. His jaw dropped.

He blinked at the dark-haired alpha.

What had just happened?

“No!” Dad’s stare snapped up. “Take one of my other sons if you insist on fulfilling the pact. Each of them is ready and willing to go with you.” Flanking his father on the couch, Noah’s three brothers bobbed their heads in uniform agreement. “But not Noah.”

“You’ve broken our laws and defied this pack long enough. You can pay for those crimes. Or you can honor the mating pact.” The alpha’s lips thinned to a grim line. “I choose the boy.”

A pair of betas strode across the short width of the room. They grabbed Noah by his biceps. “Dad,” Noah said while he ineffectively jerked his elbows and forearm crutches to try to break free. “You said leaving the pack negated the old mating pact,” Noah pleaded with his father. With the city shifters. With anyone who would listen. “You said they didn’t care about us anymore.”

The alpha shifted his frown to Noah. “Your father was wrong.”

Mikael bolted to his feet, a snarl on his lips, but Dad halted the rebellion with his white-knuckled grip on Mikael’s arm. “Stop, you fool. Or they’ll kill us all.”

Eyes wide, grief-stricken torment writ across his face, Mikael sank to the couch.

Noah’s last hopes died.

The taut, avid attention of the gathered betas and the angry glitter in their alpha’s glare proved they hadn’t driven to the farm to enforce an obsolete mating pact. Arranged matings were barbaric. Though shifters drafted the agreements to convey special honor and status, few were executed. No one pushed to fulfill a mating pact unless both parties were willing, even at the top of the shifter hierarchy where the practice most often continued to foster alliances between packs. But as much as Noah loved his family, they weren’t another pack. No political benefit would be fostered or gained here. His dad had been important among the city shifters once, the most trusted of the old alpha’s betas, but after the accident, his family became rogue wolves, outsiders. And criminals. They hardly merited the high regard and attention of the new alpha.

Wade wanted revenge. That was the only explanation.

City shifters had left his family alone as long as they’d stayed out of sight, but the new alpha’s largess had made them sloppy. Stupid. Lydia marrying Noah’s physical therapist had crossed a line, no matter how they’d convinced themselves the pack wouldn’t notice or care. Noah would now pay the price. With the eldest child mated, Wade could choose among the remaining siblings according to the letter of the law regardless of how little mating pacts were enforced, even in the city. Wade was right about that. Dragging Noah away was a vicious taunt, the alpha daring his family to object, and perhaps provoking his father and brothers into a fight they couldn’t win. Not against this many betas.

Noah was doomed.

Maybe his family, who had sacrificed so much for him, didn’t need to be.

“I’ll go.” Sandwiched between the two betas, Noah let his body go slack. His fear coiled like vipers in his belly, but he stopped struggling. The shifters lifted him until his feet dangled uselessly above the floor. “I’ll do whatever you want, if you grant my family amnesty. If you don’t hurt them.”

The alpha beamed in predatory triumph. “Agreed.”

Noah hung limply between the pair of betas as they dragged him toward Wade, whose smile roiled Noah’s stomach.

“In the car,” Wade ordered the betas.

While the collected shifters parted to create a path for the two manhandling Noah to the door, Noah’s father at last made a shaky attempt to help him. “He needs his medicines, his extra brace and forearm crutches, his computers—“

When Noah looked over his shoulder, the alpha cut Noah’s father off with a sharp wave. “You’ve done enough harm to him. The boy is no longer your concern.”

Oh God.

They muscled Noah, heart thundering, to the nearest of a fleet of black Chevy Tahoe’s. He swore he wouldn’t gamble his family’s safety, but he flinched then. He stiffened in the beta’s grasp when they opened the SUV door. He couldn’t go into that vehicle. He’d be helpless. Captured. They could hurt him. Maybe kill him.

He jerked away—and earned a light cuff to his temple in rebuke.

His brothers wrestled. Often. All shifters did. The mock battles that frequently resulted in bloodied noses and bruises were their way of jockeying for position even in a group as small as their family or that’s what his mother had said when Noah was younger. His brothers had never touched him, though. Shifters could take the rough and tumble, but not Noah. He’d been physically vulnerable, easily injured.

The blow, however gentle, rocked him to the core.

He’d known pain—endless surgeries, torturous physical therapy, and a shattered body that refused to function properly. But he’d never suffered as much as a casual swat on his butt when he’d misbehaved as a child and none of the typical punishments meted out by his father to maintain discipline among the adult wolves since.

“Don’t look at me like that. And stop cringing. We won’t abuse you.” The beta frowned. “You’re a shifter. He’s ordered you to be treated as one. That’s all.”

That didn’t reassure him considering bitter experience had taught him shifters were the most brutal of nature’s creatures. More scared than he’d ever been in his life, Noah stopped resisting, though, and they shoved him into the back seat of the Tahoe. They took away his forearm crutches, cramming the lightweight supports at their feet on the floor. When Noah instinctively reached for them, the shifters tied his hands with rope. The engine roared to life, and the Tahoe shot forward, zooming from the farm while the betas bound his feet, too. Once he was restrained, they ignored him. Terror balled inside Noah as he waited for what would happen next.

After they reached the blacktop of the main road, the Tahoe turned right, toward town. When one of the betas caught him spying out the window and watching the long tail of headlights leaving the farm, Noah yanked his gaze down. He hunched over to protect his stomach, but the anticipated blows never landed.

One of the betas snorted scathing disapproval. “They should be punished.”

“Wade granted amnesty. You heard him.”


“When we slow on the next straight stretch, the lead cars can overtake us,” the driver said into the head set of a cell phone and then glanced in the rearview mirror. “Alpha Wade wants to know if the boy is all right.”

“He’s fine.” The beta smiled. “As docile as a lamb.”

Noah squeezed his eyes shut. Please let that be enough. See? I’m cooperating. No reason to go back to the farm to murder my family. No reason to hurt them—or me.

The vehicles streamed into the city. The fleet of cars blended into traffic headed to the far side of town, where Noah and his brothers had been forbidden. Noah had only ever left the farm to sneak to doctor’s appointments. They hadn’t dared anything else. His father had even installed an indoor pool so he could do his physical therapy at home rather than chance facilities in the pack’s territory. He’d rarely been in town, never this part of the city, and certainly not at night. The lights overwhelmed him, a headache quickly building at the sensory overload of flashing neon, blaring car horns, and the assault of foreign smells, mostly fried food and car exhaust. He glued his gaze on his hands, but that morning’s migraine flared back to life. Agony pounded his skull, behind his eyes, at the base of his neck. His tender stomach couldn’t take a second assault that day, and despite the breathing techniques he’d learned from Dr. Phares, Noah moaned in warning. “I’m going to throw up.”

One of the men cursed, a heavy hand landing on Noah’s nape to push his head between his knees. “Keep driving. We’re too close to stop now.”

Noah vomited water and bile to the floor while the other beta grabbed a phone. Noah hurt too bad to make out the words.

The Tahoe screeched to a halt moments later. They opened the door on Noah’s right. They pushed him from the car. He tried to force his legs under him to walk, or at least stand, but with his crutches inside the vehicle, his feet bound, and his head aching, he dangled between the two goons. A gentle but firm fist in his hair eased his gaze up. He groaned, squinting at bright spotlights in front of the pack house.

“His senses are over-stimulated.” When the alpha’s stare dropped to the rope binding Noah’s wrists and ankles, he scowled. “I thought you said he wasn’t fighting this, that he was okay. Why is he restrained?”

“He balked at climbing into the rig. You said you didn’t want him hurt. When he panicked, we tied him to ensure he didn’t injure himself,” one of the betas answered. “He settled down then.”

“Because he’s petrified.” The alpha grimaced. “He’ll be calmer once he’s inside and cleaned up. Take him upstairs, but keep the rooms quiet. Dark. Untie him. I’ll decide if he’s a danger to himself.”

They carried him away again, through the double front doors of the pack house. They strode into a gauntlet of gawking shifters inside. The two betas hauled him up a wide staircase. The foreign scents in the house—of other shifters, of lemon-scented cleaners and even here, the city smells—overpowered him. He concentrated just to avoid vomiting again. They guided him into a bathroom three flights up. He screamed, the blinding glare of overhead lights too much for him. Thankfully, one of the betas doused the light and flicked another switch for dimmer sconces topping a mirror above the sink. When the betas stripped him, he was too sick to fight them. Even when they removed the rope cuffing his wrists and ankles, he couldn’t manage more than clumsy twitches. They unbuckled his leg brace and discarded it with a negligent toss. His glasses were set aside on the vanity with more care. Blurrier now, the two strangers pushed him to sit on the lid of the toilet. Noah had never felt this naked, not only of his clothes, but stripped of the supports that helped him walk, of even his sight with his glasses tucked away. Shaking, he rubbed angry red marks the rope had left on his wrists, but knew the shifters didn’t need restraints anymore. Without his brace, crutches, and glasses, he was helpless.

Startled, he jumped nervously when the alpha strode through the bathroom door. “Reminders of other scents will confuse him. Destroy his clothes,” Wade told one of the betas, who snatched up the piles of fabric and scrambled to leave. “Help me with him,” he ordered the remaining shifter. They lifted Noah by his biceps and pushed him into the shower. Hot water soon relaxed his cramping muscles. Fully clothed, Wade joined him under the shower and scrubbed him with a scratchy sponge while the other shifter held him upright. Wade washed Noah’s hair twice and then traded shampoo for a softer sponge to thoroughly clean Noah again.

By the time Wade hauled him from the shower to towel him dry, the smells of his father, brothers, and home had washed away.

Noah’s mind shut down.

They walked him through another door to a utilitarian bedroom and dumped him on a narrow bed, where he lay in a boneless heap. The beta placed a basin next to him. “In case you throw up again.”

“His body temperature is lower than ours, more human than shifter. Turn the thermostat up. I don’t want him uncomfortable.” The alpha leaned over him, palm cupping Noah’s cheek. “You’re going to be all right. I promise.”

Noah shut his eyes, and after they’d gone, when the room was dark and the ticking of the baseboard heater proved the alpha’s command had been obeyed, Noah finally realized he wouldn’t be raped. He wasn’t safe, but they were leaving him alone. For now. He surrendered to exhausted sleep.

* * *

When he awoke, the basin was gone. Someone had moved him under the sheets and a green cotton blanket. He smelled a stranger in the room, but numb by his terror, Noah didn’t cringe. He turned inside the snug cocoon of covers to find the indistinct blur of a new shifter standing guard at the door a few feet away. Miraculously, his wire-rim glasses rested on an otherwise bare night table. He groped and awkwardly shoved his glasses onto his nose. Able to see now, Noah lowered his gaze in the submissive pose he was positive would be expected of a prisoner and used the opportunity to surreptitiously study his guard. He was tall like most shifters and dark, with a long tail of black hair streaming down his back from an elastic band at his nape. He was dressed like city shifters—jeans, a simple blue work shirt, and scuffed boots. Noah couldn’t be sure. Last night was a blur and all shifters looked the same to him, big and bulky with muscle. As blunted as his sense of smell tended to be, though, he didn’t recognize this shifter’s scent. This one was new.

The stranger frowned, but didn’t speak to him. Instead, the guard reached for a cell phone strapped to his waist. “He’s awake.”

Without his leg brace or forearm crutches, Noah sat up in the bed and scooted to lean against the plain oak headboard. He tugged the blanket up to his chin, only his head remaining uncovered. He had to pee and his bad leg hurt like fire, but until he knew how much trouble he’d landed in, he wouldn’t move again.

One of the betas from last night walked into the sparse room moments later, and Noah sighed in relief that it wasn’t the shifter who’d slapped him. “He hasn’t been up?”

“Too scared.” The guard studied Noah through narrowed eyes. “He’s pretty scrawny. I’m not sure he can.”

The newcomer grunted. “Wade won’t like that. C’mon.” He and the guard tore Noah’s blanket away. They helped him to the bathroom, and when Noah couldn’t stand upright, the beta from last night supported him while Noah urinated into the toilet. And Noah thought his hospital stays were embarrassing? The pokes and prods from dozens of human nurses hadn’t compared to this. The shifters steadied him while he washed his hands and brushed his teeth. They handed him a comb for his hair, then a washcloth to wipe his face.

When they returned him to the bedroom, they plunked him in a tangled clump on the mattress, but his bladder wasn’t ready to burst. They’d permitted basic grooming. A tray of food now rested on the night table where his glasses had been. Noah’s mouth watered at mountains of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon.

His morning could have been a lot worse.

The guard exited the bedroom, but the beta from last night stayed. He nodded to the food. “Eat.”

Noah stared at the steaming platter. His empty stomach yowled. He guessed the meal could have been drugged, but they didn’t need to sedate him to make him do what they wanted. They must not have settled on killing him. Not yet at least, not if they were feeding him. He didn’t see any purpose in starving, especially since refusing food would be considered a challenge. That, Noah knew, would be met with merciless efficiency.

Wrapping a corner of the blanket around him to cover his nudity, he reached for the tray. It was heavier than it looked, weighed down with more food than Noah was accustomed to, and he snorted when he noticed the cutlery was plastic. Like he was dangerous?

“You’re on suicide watch.”

Noah’s jaw dropped. “I don’t want to die,” he protested.

The beta shrugged. “Sick and injured wolves do desperate things.”

Sure, they did. Like submit to antiquated mating pacts to spare the lives of their kin. But a deal was a deal. City shifters might deem Noah damaged beyond repair, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t hold up his end of that bargain. “I said I’d cooperate.”

The shifter rolled his eyes. “Then, eat.”

Noah glared at the beta before grudgingly returning his attention to his food. The massive portions were more in line with the quantities his brothers and his dad regularly consumed. Shifting burned lots of energy. They needed the extra calories. Noah didn’t. Dr. Phares had him on a strict diet, carefully balancing nutrition and caloric intake so he wouldn’t gain weight that could throw off his precarious balance or hinder his physical therapy. He never went hungry, but he never enjoyed this kind of excess, either. Though his family mixed with humans often, most shifters didn’t. The city pack was no judge of proper portions for damaged wolves like him.

Still, he couldn’t refuse.

Picking at the scrambled eggs, he lifted a bite on the ridiculous plastic fork to sniff it. According to Dr. Phares, his sense of smell was almost as muted as a human’s, but blunted senses were better than none at all. His nose scented nothing amiss. Just eggs. He poked out his tongue to test the taste and groaned at the explosion of cheese mingling with the eggs. He shut his eyes, a shiver of delight working up his spine. When had he last been allowed cheese? Probably not since his mother’s heart attack, shortly after his recovery plateaued following his first shifts.

If cheese masked the taste of drugs, Noah didn’t care.

He shoveled the bite into his mouth. Then another. And another. Ducking his gaze to avoid the tiny curl at one corner of the beta’s lips, which Noah supposed passed for a smile, he ate scrambled eggs—only the eggs—until his cavernous stomach filled. Before last night, he might’ve been embarrassed at his haste, but the food tasted wonderful. Besides, with his modesty preserved by only the stingy corner of a blanket, pride numbered among the many items he couldn’t afford anymore. He ate rapidly and gluttonously, reasoning that increasing his food intake must have balanced out the calories he’d burned while he’d struggled with his terror last night. Even then, when his fork slowed, mounds of food remained on the platter.

“More,” the beta commanded.

 Too bad Noah couldn’t justify consuming the rest. Piles of crispy bacon taunted him especially, but he didn’t know when or if he’d see a pool for exercise again. He didn’t want to risk force-feeding, though. He nudged the eggs with his fork. Squaring his shoulders, he screwed up his nerve to ask for his leg brace. “I can’t walk without it,” he said, pausing to consider how to condense the dry terms in a way someone unfamiliar with his medical history would understand. “My knees hyper-extend. Mostly the right leg, but also the left. I wish I could control that, but I can’t. I could dislocate the joints, tear muscles and tendons. Unless you want to carry me to the bathroom every time I have to pee or watch me crawl—“

“Eat.” The beta crossed his arms over his chest.

That wasn’t a “no” exactly. To show his good will, Noah forked more fluffy eggs into his mouth. “I need my medicines, too,” he said after he’d consumed the bite. “Pins stabilize my hips. The white lines running down my legs? Those are scars from my surgeries. Dr. Phares said I might be able to walk without pins, plates, and bars strengthening my bones once I’m fully grown, but not yet.”

“You’re twenty years old.”

“Exactly.” Noah nodded. “I’m small, even by human standards. Dr. Phares wants to give me another year to see if I hit a growth spurt delayed by the accident.”

“Shifters mature by sixteen.” The beta scowled at him. “You’re short and too skinny, but you’re an adult.”

Frowning, Noah shoveled another heaping mound of scrambled eggs he didn’t want into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. “Listen, I’m not like you. Not like other shifters.”

“But you are a shifter.” The beta glowered. “A stubborn one who needs to shift.”

That was what he was afraid of and the last thing he should do. “My doctors adapted to my physiology. After I stopped therapeutic shifting to try to heal the damage, we worked around using bars and plates as much as we could, but I have a few left in me. Anything foreign to our bodies disappears during a shift, though. So I can’t shift, okay?”

Eventually, Noah stopped trying. He dutifully ate as much of his breakfast as he could stand. Only then did the beta move, walking to the bed to collect the still half-filled plate. “I won’t make trouble. I’ll do whatever he wants, I swear. Just please…tell me what’s happening? Why is he holding me prisoner?”

“You aren’t a prisoner. You were rescued,” the beta said, but when he left with the dirty dishes, Noah heard the lock click.

* * *

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