#Giveaway ~ I Don’t: A Christmas Wish

Hiya, guys! Hope your Turkey Day was fantastic and that you’re having a blast gearing up for the holidays. As it happens, I’ve been sooper seekritly gearing up for the holidays–the Christmas holiday season–for a bit now and will have a new release coming out next week to liven up your December:


At least he isn’t pregnant.

Seth Murphy campaigned for Maryland’s Question Six, wildly celebrating the Election Day victory for marriage equality. Divorce attorney and live-in boyfriend Owen, however, believes just as passionately that the gay community should focus on a plurality of equal rights protections instead of allocating so many resources and man-hours to one hot button issue.

Owen won’t marry Seth.

Relationship deteriorating, the couple visits the Murphy farm outside Brunswick for Christmas. Seth’s family never considered that Seth and Owen wouldn’t be first in line for a marriage license as soon as same-sex marriage passed. When they find out there won’t be a wedding, their season of miracles is invaded by pornographic gingerbread cookies, frowning church ladies, and a determined father with a tactical assault shotgun.

Neither Seth, Owen, nor their love may survive the family holiday circus to say, “I don’t.”


I Don’t is a 24K m/m holiday RomCom. Yes, you read that right — Romantic Comedy. 😀 And a story very dear to my heart because Seth and Owen, my heroes, grapple with the history-making Question Six vote in Maryland, which passed same-sex marriage by popular referendum. Which was my wish for this holiday season. Turns out it was Seth’s wish too. Sucks that Owen’s being such a butthead, no? 😉

So, what do you want for Christmas? If money was no object? Please, no “world peace” beauty pageant contestant answers; bring out your Madame Greedy! I’ll even start you off. If money were no object, for Christmas this year, I’d love a reason to apply for my passport: a week in England. Leave a comment below by 11:59 PM on Friday, November 30th, with YOUR Christmas wish for this holiday season and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free ebook copy of I Don’t. Sound good? Cool. While you’re waiting to see if you won the book, how about a peek? Excerpt below.

Hoping you all had an excellent Thanksgiving…

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

Neither Eddie nor Mom would let me rescue Owen.

“I heard about your newly dubious virtue,” Eddie said, piping pink icing boobies onto a cookie. Eddie was nineteen years old and perpetually horny so he gave the cookie stripper boobs. “Tough break.”

I vaguely pointed my bag, bulging with blue sugared lard, at a cookie tray and craned my neck to peek above the frost on the kitchen window. Owen and Dad had returned the snow blower to the garage twenty minutes and two lifetimes ago. Mom stood sentry at the kitchen door because when I’d heard yelling, I’d dropped my frosting to sprint for the garage. Nothing doing. Dad was having a man to man discussion with Owen and my mother would beat me bloody with a wooden spoon to keep me away, if she had to. My shoulder still stung from her warning salvo. “Jesus, I wasn’t a virgin when Owen and I met.”

“Don’t you take the name of the Lord in vain, Seth Jeremiah,” my mom snarled from her post at the mudroom door.

I jutted a mutinous chin. “Sorry.”

“Wipe that look off your face too. You’re in big enough trouble already, mister.”

Eddie rolled his eyes. “It’s not like you knew Owen wouldn’t marry you when you moved in with the guy.”

True, I hadn’t. We’d never discussed marriage because neither of us had believed that within the realm of possibility. We hadn’t talked—fought—about it until Question Six passed. That didn’t matter to my mother. In the half hour since I’d come downstairs, Mom had worked herself into a powerful mad about her youngest son living in sin for the past year. My family had been fine with us living together before. Until Owen, I’d been wild and impulsive, but what twenty year-old isn’t? I’d also been somewhat of a slut, though I’d never advertised that to  my parents, but despite my family’s initial objections to our age difference—Owen was a dozen years my senior—and the fact that my boss had seduced me out of my Dockers, they’d ultimately decided that Owen was a steadying influence. I’d stopped drinking. I wasn’t flitting from boyfriend to boyfriend and from job to job anymore. After he moved me into his house and mentioned adopting kids, my mother wrote his name beside mine in the family Bible and my dad invited Owen fishing. When I wasn’t even allowed on Dad’s boat.

“I would’ve moved in with him anyway,” I whispered to Eddie. Because that was also true.

“I heard that!”

Ears like a bat, my mother’s.

Busily piping frosting boobs and what I guessed were supposed to be gingerbread lady bits at the cookies’ crotches, Eddie winced. “Are you crazy?” he hissed. “You’re making it worse!”

I bent over my cookie tray full of gingerbread and dutifully squeezed the bag of icing to draw blue dicks on my share of the cookies so Eddie’s strippers would have customers. Piping a pair of balls on either side of those cocks wasn’t easy and the color was unfortunate. After a lonely holiday week of Owen sleeping on my parents’ living room couch, I expected my balls to be so blue by Christmas Day that they’d snap free of my body and roll right off. “I’m just saying,” I said in a softer, quieter murmur. “If Owen bent you over a desk, you’d move in with him too.”


The crack of my mother’s wooden spoon landing on the back of my skull split the hush of the kitchen and I yelped. Dropping the bag of icing, I jerked my hand to my poor head, rubbing furiously at the sting. Like a thousand angry hornets. “Ow! Damn it, that hurt,” I protested, wriggling around but not fast enough to avoid a second swat across my left butt cheek. I pivoted, one hand scrubbing at my smarting scalp while the other covered my freshly injured ass. “What was that for?”

My mother raised the evil spoon and jabbed at me in dire warning. “No cursing in my kitchen.”

“But you threatened to toss Owen out on his ass,” I pointed out and then scrambled to the side when my vile, abusive Mom lifted the spoon to smack me again.

“Don’t you sass me!”

I hadn’t realized insanity ran in my family, but Owen’s failure to make an honest man of me seemed to have triggered a psychotic break in my mother. She didn’t hit me again, but she followed me with the punishing spoon when I scooted down the line of the kitchen counter. Cackling gleefully, Eddie leaped out of the way, the coward. “Mom, you can’t smack me like that. They call that child abuse these days,” I argued, guarding my ass with both hands. “Plus, I’m full grown. An adult.”

“Kids today would be mindful and courteous if a wooden spoon spanked their spoiled rotten tushes when they earned it. Spare the rod? Not in this house.” Mom bared her teeth in a smile that shriveled my balls to raisins. “And none of my children will ever grow so big that they can’t be—“

The flare of the camera flash momentarily blinded me.

“Oh shi—shoot.” Eddie snickered, arms around his stomach as he laughed from the safety of the other side of the kitchen.

“Thanks.” In the doorway, Lisa lowered a neon blue digital camera. “Great pic.” She flashed a toothy grin so similar to Mom’s that I decided on the spot that therapy wasn’t a bad idea at all. “This’ll look fantastic on my Facebook.”

My jaw dropped. I swiveled to my mother, pleading, “Mom!”

She lowered the spoon, thank God, and refocused her disapproving attention on my sister. “Lisa, don’t embarrass your brother.” She darted a ferocious scowl at me. “He’s done enough to shame himself, as is.”

“Leave him alone, Clara.”

My eyes snapped shut, the absurd horror suddenly more than I could bear, but that didn’t stop Owen from striding across the kitchen and draping the warm weight of his arm over my shoulders to pull me against his chest. The familiar scent of his aftershave, musky sandalwood, tickled my nostrils. “This isn’t Seth’s fault,” he said and brushed a chaste kiss at my temple. “Blame me as much as you like. I’ll even sleep on the couch. It’s your house and your rules.” When I dared a glimpse, Owen nodded to my father, who emerged from the mudroom in his socks, whereas snow fell from Owen’s boots to freeze my bare toes. “But don’t punish Seth for what was and is my decision. He’d marry me today, if he could. He’s done nothing to be ashamed of, with the possible exception of falling in love with his boss.”

“Owen’s a cougar,” Eddie said, the teasing accusation muffled around the gingerbread he’d stuffed into his mouth.

“In a manner of speaking.” Owen arched a cool eyebrow. “I’m a lot older and more experienced.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I squirmed away, out from under his arm at my shoulder. Irritation straightened my spine. “I’m a grown man, not a boy you seduced. I make my own decisions.”

“Precisely.” My mother crossed her arms over her ample chest, wicked spoon twitching in her fist. “Seth needs to answer for his poor behavior.”

“This isn’t the fifties, Mom.” Adult or not, I moved closer to Owen when her eyes narrowed, glittering and mean. “People live together before they get married now and some never get married.”

Mom seethed. “Not my son.”

“Give it a rest, Bit.” Heaving a tired sigh, Dad rounded the corner of the mudroom. “At least he can’t get pregnant.”

I blinked at my father, shocked to the core that Dad was taking my side. Against She of the Devil Spoon? Never been done.

“They want to adopt kids!” my mother shrieked and I cowered against Owen’s side when she pointed the spoon at me.

The camera flash flared.

My mother squawked in red-faced outrage.

“Lisa, go to your room,” my dad said with a grimace.

She lowered the camera and pooched out her lower lip in a pout that had stopped being cute when she was six and hadn’t been all that adorable even then. “I’m twenty-four years old, Daddy. You can’t—“


I flinched at the roar. My dad was an even-tempered man. While we were growing up, Mom was the parent to set the rules and mete out discipline to enforce them. Truthfully, present circumstances notwithstanding, my mother hadn’t been that bad. Firm, but fair. I’d had my butt spanked when I was a kid, sure. We all had, but Mom had been much more prone to taking away privileges and assigning extra chores. The spoon was new. Evil. But new.

“Put that thing down, Little Bit,” Dad said to my mom, voice calm and like the dad I remembered as he walked across the kitchen to take the spoon from my mother’s suddenly lax grip. She stared at him, eyes huge in her face, as though she were as shocked by my father’s behavior I was. “How could you hit our son?”

That did it.

Lisa didn’t inherit the pouty lip from Dad. Mom’s pooched out and her eyes glistened for two nanoseconds before she abruptly burst into tears. “B-but they’re living together and just a couple of years away from adopting too, I just know it,” she said, gasping and sobbing as my dad put his arms around her. “And they aren’t even married!” she wailed.

“Stop.” My father hugged her, patting her shoulder. “Anybody who can count on their fingers knows Brenda was born six months after we got married.”

Eddie hopped onto the kitchen counter, munching porno cookies like there was no tomorrow…or party at Grandma Stewart’s on Sunday. “My birthday’s four months after my parent’s anniversary.” He grinned. “Daddy needed persuasion of the shotgun variety.”

I snaked my arms around Owen’s waist, to show my support. I was reasonably confident no one would… “New Christmas rule: no firearms,” I declared, just in case.

When my cousin bit into another cookie, a frosting blob boob slid off the gingerbread and onto his lap. “Spoilsport.”

“He’s old enough to choose his own life. We need to let Seth and Owen sort this out their way,” Dad gently said into Mom’s hair, ignoring the three of us. “Why don’t you go upstairs and splash water on your face.”

Mom’s slight, wet nod made me feel two inches tall and rather than comforting me, Owen caressing my back in those long, soothing strokes made me feel smaller.

“Hand check,” Eddie, the little bastard, shouted, when Owen’s touch dipped a little too far south and skimmed the upper curve of my ass in my blue jeans.

Owen yanked his hand higher.

Dad’s lips curved to a predatory bow next to Mom’s head when he glanced at Owen. “Remember, we have all week. He’ll change his mind.”

Sniffling, Mom wiped her eyes on her sleeve and glared, damp and bloodshot, at Owen. No mystery who I inherited my great honker of a nose from. “The floor you tracked up had better be clean when I’m finished fixing my face,” she said to Owen, though if my mother had ever smoothed anything onto her skin except Oil of Olay, I was unaware of it. “And keep your hands to yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Owen replied.

Christmas. Of. Doom.

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

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Print #Giveaway ~ Plunder AND Spoils of War!

Happy election day, everyone! If you’re in the States, I hope you’re taking advantage of your voting privileges. Unless you’re active in the process, no whining and bitching allowed. 😉

To make our liberation from obnoxious political campaign ads that much more speshul, I’m making an obnoxious announcement of my own — the print release of Plunder!

YAY! And YOU can join my celebration by commenting below with your WAHOO happy dance over no more political ad campaigns too! Leave a comment by 10:00 AM EST on Tuesday, November 13th to be entered into a random drawing for print copies of both Spoils of War and Plunder. I’m including international readers so if you’re not in the USA, don’t let that stop you from taking a shot at winning the books.

Please don’t forget to vote if you’re in the States and join me in my WOOT by posting to enter for the drawing.

😀 😀 😀


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Plunder is Available NOW — and winners of much #woot!


Plunder is now available at Loose Id — and at 25% off too! $5.24 instead of $6.99 is packed full of win! Even better, to celebrate LI’s fantastic new storefront, you can also get that same 25% off my other LI titles — I, Omega, In the Red, and What Rough Beast. 25% off beats the pants off of Amazon’s pricing, guys, so if you’re planning to order, take advantage of the deal to keep more coin in your pocket. 🙂

So…without further ado, the winner of the Plunder giveaway is…

Amber T!

Just shot an email to Amber so look in your inbox, compadre. CONGRATS! And thanks, everyone, for playing along!

Another WOO HOO goes out to my random newsletter subscriber winner. That winner won a copy of Spoils of War, a copy of Plunder, AND a $10 Amazon gift card to share my woot over 10 (count ’em, TEN) stories released so far. Not sure if you won? Check your copy of my newsletter in your inbox, compadres, to see if YOU are the owner of the happy! 😀

Still in the mood to take a chance on winning? Well, I’m at Chicks & Dicks today, blogging about world-building with history (and without it) to celebrate Plunder being my 10th story released but also giving away a $10 Amazon gift card — a buck for each of my stories — to one lucky random commenter. So stop by, say hi, and maybe win ten lovely smackeroos to spend at Amazon. \o/

Busy, busy, busy…LOL

Seriously, guys, CONGRATS to all winners (and future winners) and I hope you like the rest of Micah and Eli’s journey in Plunder.

Happy reading!


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I haz a movie! Plunder trailer (popcorn, optional)

Thanks to all of you guys who have commented on the giveaway post with tips & home remedies for the flu…I’m actually starting to perk up. I may even exercise my giddy. Well…maybe not, LOL, but I do feel up to hustling my book trailer for Plunder, which would probably be a good idea since it comes out Tuesday. 😉

Wanna see?

Just a wee bit of a tease. 😉 I had so much fun making the trailer and hope you like it!

In the meantime, the giveaway for a FREE copy of Plunder is still ongoing. Don’t forget to comment before 12:01AM EST on Plunder‘s release day, August 14th, for your shot at the book. 😀

Again, hope you liked the trailer. Look for it soon on my author page at Goodreads and my author page on Amazon too.

Hope you have an outstanding weekend!

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Plunder Pre-release Giveaway — WOOT!

Hi, guys! I’ve been down with the beasiest of the most beasty flu, but fortunately, digital copies don’t arrive in your inbox smothered in germs, do they? 🙂 To that end, my non-infectious offer — comment below to be entered into a random drawing for one FREE copy of Plunder (the Spoils of War sequel) by 12:01 AM on Plunder’s release day on Tuesday, August 14th. Winner to be drawn, contacted, and announced as soon as I wake up release day morning, LOL.

And because it’s such a lovely, smexy thing, Plunder’s shiny new cover:

Love, love, LOVE it! Fiona Jayde, if you see this, you are a GODDESS. Fiona did the cover for the first book, Spoils of War, and wow, did she ever deliver with Plunder. Fantastic!

Oh, I should probably include the blurb or something, right?

Captured as a boy when Herra invaded his homeland, Micah realizes that finding his way to freedom in Alekia with his savior and lover Eli was the easier task. They now hide among the Alekites. Battle with Herra looms. With Eli’s love, Micah must come to terms with his status as a noble and his mother’s birthright of witch’s blood inside him. The two also face the father Micah cannot forgive and Eli’s family, who very much want Eli back as firstborn heir rather than the lowly slave who rescued the king’s favorite son.

When court intrigues stir and Herran armies march to war, Micah and Eli must make their stand…or fall as plunder.

Sooooooooooooooooooo excited that you guys will finally be able to see the next stage in Micah & Eli’s journey!

Remember, comment below. A tip or home remedy for the flu would be awesome. Just sayin. Or since I’ll be on vacation sunning my semi-nekkid self on the beach on release day (given that I’m not quarantined by the CDC), tell me where you spent (or are spending) your vacation. Or just say hi. Up to you, dudes, but leave a comment below for your shot at the freebie. 😀

If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, a final reminder that you should before release day & the drawing for prezzies among subscribers. (I promise not to abuse your inbox; you’ll get nada from me unless a book’s coming out.) Also, keep your eyes glued. My head’s too spinny to upload it right now, but as soon as I feel up to it, Plunder’s book trailer will be coming.

Leave your comment — and good luck!

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Where are yooooooooooooooouuuu?

I’ve been quiet for quite a while now. Why? I’ve been working, but also my attitude sucks, sucks, sucks. To put it mildly. Still sucks too, which is bad considering I’m headed to RWA National in sunny California in less than two weeks, but WTH, no point steering now, dudes.

Why does my attitude suck?

The business. Not the writing. The business of writing.

The latest scandal to rock the online reading community sure was sickening (and remains sickening). Outing and targeting readers? ARE YOU DERANGED? JFC, I’ve had lousy reviews and taken my share of lumps in GR mosh pits masquerading as reviews too. Did you see me crying and throwing hissy fits? Hell NO. That’s part & parcel for our ticket to ride, compadres. Publishing ain’t all bestseller lists, woot-worthy royalty statements, and smiling pretty at cons. If you’re lucky and work your ass to the bone, yeah, you may get those things, but that ticket to ride also includes reviews designed to flay the flesh from your bones. If you can’t take a good filet knife to the ribs without inflicting your meltdown on the reading community, DON’T READ YOUR REVIEWS. Simple enough? Thought so.

RBB (Reviewers/Readers Behaving Badly) are a fact of publishing life. So is author-on-author ABB (Author Behaving Badly) behavior. I’ve had my share served up to me (without fava beans or Chianti, tragically), but it’s been dragging me down lately. This is the kind of stuff readers rarely notice or if they do see it, they usually don’t recognize what it is. And shouldn’t so I won’t belabor it here. Trust me, though, it happens. Troll reviewers aren’t the only ones armed with the filet knife and nothing cuts more deeply than the blade wielded by an author you respected, had considered a friend, or one you’ve even helped. I’m disappointed, frankly, and deeply grieved. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll get over it. But for me, it’s very true to say that I’m evolving from the starry-eyed newbie to a jaded if wiser semi-seasoned vet of the digital publishing battlefield. Not a painless process, I’m sorry to say.

Thank God for the writing. THANK GOD. If you are a writer who’s ever toed a mile in my boots or are making that long walk now…Focus on the writing. The writing and readers who genuinely enjoy what you do make the publishing march worth the hassle and grief.

As it happens, even wallowing in my snarlies, I’ve been a tad busy. As you may or may not have noticed, The Importance of Being Denny was reactived at ARe. YAY! And my sincere thanks to the fine folks at ARe for their professionalism. MY fault it took so long to get Denny back up there, all mine and nobody else’s. That prodded me to finally upload Denny to Amazon and Smashwords too, which should be feeding into Barnes & Noble/Nook and other vendors any day now. As you probably know, Amazon won’t let me price Denny as a freebie, but if you guys wouldn’t mind doing me a favor, click on the link to Denny at Amazon above. See the link to Tell Us About A Lower Price in the product details? Click on that and tell Amazon about the Smashwords link to the Denny freebie. I hate charging readers for what they can get for free elsewhere and had already decided to add any royalties received from Denny’s sales to my monthly donation to the Trevor Project (from Foreshock’s sales). But it still bugs the snot out of me that people are paying for Denny, even if it’s only 99 cents. So if y’all wouldn’t mind taking a few seconds to help me make Denny a freebie on Amazon, I’d sorely appreciate it.

Plunder (the Spoils of War sequel) is set to release at Loose Id on August 14th — less than a month away now. WOOT! I’ve been playing around with a book trailer and will roll that out soon. It’s my first book trailer since 2010 so I’m kind of excited about it, LOL. Also a friendly reminder to get on my newsletter subscriber list for the random drawing for prezzies with every new release. The Join link should be in the menu bar to the right on my site. You want to get in on this one because Plunder’s newsletter subscriber prezzie will be wicked cool. 😀

For those of you wondering…I’m nearly finished polishing up the zombie story and expect to ship that sucker out the door any day now. WAHOO! As soon as that’s done, I’ll return to I, Omega’s story world for some smexy fun between Burke and an aide of Gabriel’s visiting senator father — oh boy. 😀 Then, the plan is to return to In the Red for that sequel, tentatively titled Black Friday. After that, who knows? Probably Collared 2. I actually started TWO zombie stories — a novel and a novella both — so maybe I’ll go back to the unfinished project of those two. Or maybe I’ll finally dive in for my girl cootie fix to wrap up the Lovely Wicked two-fer (which is still sadly a one-off — poor Sammy!) so I’d be owes-a-sequel free. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Yeah, I think so too. 😉

In the meantime, I’m headed to RWA National in Anaheim, California July 25th – 28th. If you’re a m/m reader in the area and want to buddy up to hit the literacy signing on the 25th, 5:00 – 8:00 PM, shoot me an email! One of the fun parts of RWA National last year was meeting friends (some of whom — GASP! — are readers 😉 ) to gossip about books we’ve loved while waiting in line and yammering away afterward. If you likes and let me know ahead of time, I might even bring a bag for you to carry your literacy signing goodies home in plus any swag you want of mine too.

So…keep your eyes peeled for the cover reveal for Plunder, the book trailer, pre-release giveaway and other fabulous goings-on. Hope you’re having a GREAT summer and

Happy Reading!

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Congrats, HAH Winner – Emily W! And Spoils of War Winner Sas399!

Just a quickie post to let y’all know the random number generator (aka, my daughter, LOL) picked Emily W for the free copy of Foreshock for the Hop Against Homophobia drawing — WOOT!

And (aren’t I just bursting with win?) I’ve also sent off a pdf of Spoils of War to Sas399, the winner my other random number generator (aka, my son, LOL) picked for that drawing.

CONGRATS to you both! Hope you like the goodies. 😀 😀 😀

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Hop Against Homophobia: Talking the talk — don’t just walk it

My daughter is bi. She waited a long, loooooooooooooooong time to come out to us, an absurdly long time. She genuinely thought I didn’t know and was anxious about what I, of all people, might say, LOL. Yeah, you read that right. Me. She was floored by how anti-climactic coming out to us was. I could’ve told her that I knew she was bi since she was 8 and said she wanted to marry nSync AND Britney Spears. If that wasn’t a big enough clue, I might’ve figured a few things out by the time she campaigned her high school to allow s/s couple tickets for Homecoming and Prom — and then took her first girlfriend (who I wasn’t supposed to acknowledge as her girlfriend since I wasn’t supposed to know my daughter was bi yet) as a s/s couple to the dance. So yeah, not exactly a shocker. I knew, but I never pushed. I thought my daughter knew how I felt, what I believed (I’ve never suffered from a lack of shut up about my beliefs), and she would come to us when she was comfortable, in her own time.

She’d worked herself into quite the state once she finally decided it was time to fess up, though. Of course, it didn’t matter to us. The only thing I care about and have ever cared about is that my kids are loved, respected and cherished by who they fall in love with. Race, gender, age, religion, where they are from or how much money they make is irrelevant. Frankly, I’d have bigger problems with political affiliation than anything else, but I might even possibly be persuaded to accept That Ultimate Evil as long as the tragically misguided soul treated my daughter like the Princess she is.

A lot of kids don’t have that.

My daughter’s first girlfriend risked being tossed out on her ear by her family if they found out. Not exaggerating.

My daughter’s second girlfriend wasn’t out to her parents, either. Her parents were supporting her through college and she couldn’t gamble on losing that.

It kills me that any child or young adult would feel compelled to hide who they are inside to the people who love them (or should love them) most and if you think it doesn’t slay me that my own kid was too afraid to tell me what was in her heart — for years — you would be wrong. I supported my daughter’s fight for s/s couple ticketing for school dances, but that was just a fight I knew about. What about the struggles I didn’t? The sneers at school. The hateful remarks. The bullying. My daughter didn’t feel she could come to me with that. She suffered through it without her parents to lean on. Both of her ex-girlfriends still do.

That’s why I support the Trevor Project. LGBTQ kids and young adults can call when they need that shoulder to lean on. 200,000+ cries for help have been answered. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. Please consider donating to the Trevor Project, which has the only 24/7 LGBTQ crisis intervention and suicide prevention program nation-wide. And please, talk to your kids. No, I mean it. TALK to them. In the end, my daughter waited years to tell us because she was afraid what people at church might think might be more important to us than she was. She was wrong, but it’s my fault she felt that way. I’m the Mom. It’s my duty and my privilege to make sure my kids know they are way more important to me than any church, any job, any anything. I failed at that.

Don’t fail at it too. Learn from my mistakes. Don’t assume they know. Make sure they do. Talk to your kids.

Today, I’m giving away a copy of my Riptide short story, Foreshock, randomly selected from comments below until 9:00 p.m. EST on May 20th. All of my royalties from Foreshock are being donated to the Trevor Project, but I’ll also add an extra $50 to this month’s donation, in honor of my daughter. From a humbled but grateful parent.

If YOU need help…

You are not alone. You are important and you are perfect exactly the way you are.

Click on the Hop Against Homophobia badge below to be taken the blog hop’s home page to visit 200+ other LGBTQ rom authors, reviewers and publishers who are taking a stand against homophobia to support the LGBTQ community for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17th.

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#Plunder — coming August 14th at Loose Id \o/

Yup, finally making the announcement. The Spoils of War sequel, Plunder, has been contracted with Loose Id and is set to release August 14th. YAY!!!!

Let’s celebrate with a wee (UNedited) peak, shall we?

I’d forgotten so much. Memories of Eli flirted in the jagged crevices of my mind. I didn’t remember my homeland or my family. If I slowed down and concentrated, I could speak Alekian again and pronounce what little I knew aright — when I tried. My master encouraged me, every moment, with each heartbeat, to remember, to trust, to take back what Herra had stolen from me. Sometimes, I wanted that too.

But I wasn’t done forgetting.

No, not nearly.

Because when my master’s long fingers wrapped around my shaft and his hand began to pump, I forgot how to breathe.

How about a bit more fun? Leave a comment below to be entered into a drawing for a FREE pdf of the first book, Spoils of War, by a week from today, Saturday, May 19th — let’s call it at 9:00 p.m. EST. Already got Spoils? WOOT! Share in my giddy by leaving a comment anyway. This one has been a long, loooooooooooooong time coming. If you win the drawing & already have Spoils, I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can drum up a fab alternate prezzie for ya. 😀

So comment away for a shot at goodies…And if any of y’all can tell me WTH I did with Plunder‘s blurb, that would be immensely helpful, by the by. 😉

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Readers — RWA’s Rainbow Chapter wants YOU…

…for a brief survey.


We want to know what you like reading, where you’re buying books and lots of other fun stuff to help us move forward with plans to give YOU, our readers, what YOU want — the best story possible! If you wouldn’t mind giving us a spare minute, just click on the nifty badge above to go directly to the survey page or you can just click here.


😀  😀  😀  😀  😀

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