Tag Archives: contest

Zombie Survival Kit WINNER!

Congrats, Emily W! Emily’s comment at Joyfully Jay was the winning entry in the Zombie Survival Kit contest! Emily has won awesome prizes that include: Please don’t make me list it all again. Lots & lots (& lots) of awesome … Continue reading

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The #Zombie #Apocalypse is here! Half a Million Dead Cannibals Zombie Survival Kit #Contest of much awesome

Now Available ~ Half A Million Dead Cannibals All thatโ€™s keeping Riley from the man heโ€™s falling in love with are the ruins of a city filled with half a million dead cannibals. Strangers, Riley and Graham sheltered together in … Continue reading

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Winners — YAY!

A quick WOOT goes to Melanie, who won the random drawing for the free copy of Foreshock, and also to Ella for winning a $10 Amazon gift card as the prize for my random newsletter subscriber drawing. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ … Continue reading

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Why I, Omega?

Heya, folks! Just a head’s up that I’m over at Jan Irving’s blog today talking about The Fork In the Road – Or Why I, Omega? Curious about why I chose to write IO instead of focusing on either the … Continue reading

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Review WOOTness!

I, Omega was given a 4.5 at Top2Bottom Reviews! This is the story of what it means to be owned, body and soul, and the turmoil it creates within Gabriel when trying to reconcile his need to subjugate to his … Continue reading

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Shifters @ gee/k/ink

Hiya, guys! Quickly hopping in to say I’m over at gee/k/ink today talking about Shifters and the Subtext of Sex. Stop by, let me know what turns your crank when it comes to shifters & sex for a shot at … Continue reading

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Heya, dudes! & much I, Omega #WOOT!

Just a quickie head’s up to let y’all know I’m over at Rachel Haimowitz‘s blog today, with my fancy shmancy write-ze-book checklist. Leave a comment about how, yes, my creative process sounds completely sane to you for a shot at … Continue reading

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Collared blurb of #woot! And I, Omega awesomeness…

After fighting off ze Monster Migraine from Hades yesterday, I woke up this morning to Collared‘s blurb from Riptide. YAY! Trans-Global IT director Connor Witt is a rare and prized anomaly: the aggression centers in his brain have been suppressed … Continue reading

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I, Omega available NOW — #woot!

I, Omega‘s ready to download at Loose Id now, dudes! Just click on the cover to head right on over. And…the winner of the Embrace Your Perv I, Omega ebook giveaway is… Sammy2006! WAHOO!!! Didn’t win? Sucks. Want another chance … Continue reading

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#win & Hot July Days…M/M Style wahoos!

Bookaddict & Amara are nominees for the Giddy Dance of Woot — they both won for commenting on my blog post about Rachel Haimowitz‘s evil slave auction of moi and Aleksandr Voinov to celebrate Noble Romance‘s new site launch! Bookaddict, … Continue reading

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