Tag Archives: What Rough Beast

Plunder is Available NOW — and winners of much #woot!

YAY! Plunder is now available at Loose Id — and at 25% off too! $5.24 instead of $6.99 is packed full of win! Even better, to celebrate LI’s fantastic new storefront, you can also get that same 25% off my … Continue reading

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What Rough Beast, nominee for Best Erotic PNR (Vampires) 2011 at TRR!

Heya, guys! Just got word that What Rough Beast has been nominated for Best Erotic PNR (Vampire) 2011 at The Romance Reviews! WOO HOO!!! Click here if you want to swing a vote my way, but honestly, no vote whoring … Continue reading

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Save your thighs! And What Rough Beast now available at…

I now interrupt this blood feud for a seriously important announcement… What Rough Beast is now available at Amazon, Fictionwise and ARe. YAY!!! While pondering the ultimate coolness of that…Have you voted for Lovely Wicked yet? Cruel, evil wretch. You’re … Continue reading

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Bursting with WIN — The Romance Reviews Grand Opening!

Want to win some books? How about some American Express or Amazon gift cards? And grand prizes for gift cards of $100, $75 and $50? The Romance Reviews is celebrating their grand opening and woo boy, they are doing it … Continue reading

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What Rough Beast at TRR and woo boy

Michelle R over at The Romance Reviews (TRR) rated What Rough Beast as a 5 Star Top Pick! Guys and gals who love the paranormal, the romance, the epic battle for freedom and the love of family and friends willing … Continue reading

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CONGRATULATIONS Monica! & What Rough Beast is available NOW!

Congratulations, Monica Johnson, who was drawn from all commentors (both on my site and at Goodreads) to win the print edition of Spoils of War! A signed copy along with bunches of other promo goodies is coming your way. 😀 … Continue reading

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What Rough Beast Giveaway!

Yeah. I know. I’m a wee bit early,LOL, but to celebrate the Goodreads Kindle Smut Group reading Lovely Wicked as Klub Smut-lection starting this weekend, figured I’d make life a little simpler for Smutters who like Lovely Wicked to sign … Continue reading

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Lookie, lookie…

Yes, yes, I know. I’m supposed to be working. And I am. Mostly. LOL. But lookie at what a fellow writer clued me in on at ARe: Spoils is ARe’s #10 Top Reader Rated, woo hoo! I also received a … Continue reading

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Sneak Peak ~ What Rough Beast

Dark masters and the vampyr they’ve enslaved for millennia are at war…And the vampyr are losing. During a raid on a dark master stronghold, Luc stumbles across Kate, a rare female susceptible to the vampyr virus. Ruthlessly hunted by the … Continue reading

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