Babes in Boyland – My 1st Stop in the Riptide Par-tay!

Hiya, compadres!

Just a quick shoutout to let y’all know today marks my first stop (thank you, thank you, thank you, Babes in Boyland!) in the marathon of awesome that is the Riptide Launch Party!


You don’t know about the Riptide Launch? Dude, that is is wrong.

It’s Party Time!

From October 1 to December 31, Riptde authors and editors will set sail on a massive Grand Opening blog tour!

We’re gearing up for three months of games, prizes, interviews, chats, and scavenger hunts, and we’d love to have you along! At each stop along the tour, we’ll be giving away great prizes – tons of books from our authors’ backlists, swag by the boatload, gift ceritficates to All Romance Ebooks, and entries into the Grand Prize drawings for a Nook, a Kindle, and an iPad.

Click on the badge above for all the fabulous deets on additional contests and the woo hoo worthy prizes to be had.

And stop by my spot at Babes in Boyland. Find out what inspired me to write Collared and comment to win! 😀

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In the Red ~ #SaturdaySnark

Saturday Snark time, WOO HOO!!!

“You aren’t going to report me for trespassing.” Zachary’s fingers tightened on the grip of his gun. “Or shoot me.”

“No.” The thud of something heavy hitting the floor resounded from the next room. Then, the grating glide as a 9MM skated over gleaming oak to rest next to Zachary’s credentials in the entry.

“I’ve seen your registration records.” Zachary holstered his weapon because, regardless of his ploy at teasing the fear out of Brian, he was going into that room. Zachary didn’t want to unsettle the geek farther by entering it with a gun in his hand. “You own an arsenal. For all I know, you eBayed the components of a nuclear warhead.”

Brian snorted a laugh.

Warm and husky, it curled inside Zachary. He shook his head, trying to jar the weird feeling the man’s laugh had stirred loose. “Surrendering one gun doesn’t impress me. You’ve got a lot of hardware.”

“I’m preparing for zombie apocalypse.”

Zachary grinned. “You could declare yourself an independent nation.”


ITR’s contracted with Loose Id & TENTATIVELY scheduled for release in January. Click on the linked banner above for more Snarkiful fun — and many, many thanks to Marie Sexton for getting the snark ball rolling!

Also…If you tried to get into today’s Whipped Cream chat today and were unable to do so, please email me at kari AT karigregg DOT com for a free pack of my cover magnets — SORRY for the trouble & inconvenience, dudes!

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Why I, Omega?

Heya, folks! Just a head’s up that I’m over at Jan Irving’s blog today talking about The Fork In the Road – Or Why I, Omega? Curious about why I chose to write IO instead of focusing on either the Lovely Wicked or Spoils of War sequels? Click on the link to find out the answer and say hi! 😉

Also, Joyfully Jay gave IO a 4/5!

These are not happy puppy werewolves frolicking in the woods (in fact, we never even see them shift). These are hard, aggressive shifters and the sex between Gabriel and Cal is equally hard and aggressive….It is an intense world, but definitely worth the read. (Full review.)


Finally, don’t forget to stop by the Whipped Cream Yahoo Group on Saturday to chat with Riptide authors like Aleksandr Voinov, Damon Suede & L.A. Witt and win, Win, WIN lots of fabulous prizes! I’ll be there 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST sharing the first unofficial excerpt of Collared so if you’re wondering about Connor, David and Emmett? You’ll get that sneak peek Saturday, compradres — nowhere and nowhen else. 😀

TGIF, dudes! And happy reading!

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Review WOOTness!

I, Omega was given a 4.5 at Top2Bottom Reviews!

This is the story of what it means to be owned, body and soul, and the turmoil it creates within Gabriel when trying to reconcile his need to subjugate to his Sir, while there is still a part of him that demands he run as far and as fast as possible. But, perhaps more than that, this is a story of trust and the significance of a bond between a Master and his sub, made all the more challenging when the need these two men feel for each other has nothing to do with free will and everything to do with an instinct so primitive they are both powerless to fight it…The bond between the two men evolves beautifully, from a primitive consumption to an imperative desire to be what the other needs, entirely and willingly. (Full Review)


Also, just a preliminary head’s up that the Whipped Cream Yahoo Group has given Riptide authors Saturday to chat! I’ll be there from 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST talking about I, Omega and Collared both. The chat schedule (all times EST) is as follows:

1PM – Aleksandr Voinov
2PM – Kari Gregg
3PM – Anne Tenino
4PM – L.A. Witt
5PM – Storm Grant
6PM – Damon Suede
7PM – Peter Hansen
8PM – Bryl Tyne
9PM – Andrea Speed

Even better…Want to meet Connor from Collared? I’ll have a sooper seekrit first look — and this is a look you’ll find NOWHERE ELSE.

So c’mon, peeps! If you aren’t a member of WC’s yahoo loop, join NOW! And then come to play, chat and win prizes with Riptide authors on Saturday. Especially at 2:00 p.m. EST if you want to find out what journey my lovelies — Connor, David and Emmett — are anxiously awaiting to take you on. 😀

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#SaturdaySnark ~ Lovely Wicked


Mitch and Liv, from Lovely Wicked:

Liv sighed. “We didn’t get our clothes off.”

He grunted.


His turtleneck trailed down one arm. Her pajamas and panties ringed her left ankle. He’d shoved her tank up and loosened her bra, but the underwire of one cup gouged his ribs. His jeans had slid down his hips to trap his thighs in sturdy denim. Hell, he hadn’t even taken off his boots.

They were both a boneless, tangled mess.

He smiled. “You’re welcome.”


Click on the linked banner above to get more snarky-ful action at Marie Sexton’s blog!

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Shifters @ gee/k/ink

Hiya, guys! Quickly hopping in to say I’m over at gee/k/ink today talking about Shifters and the Subtext of Sex. Stop by, let me know what turns your crank when it comes to shifters & sex for a shot at some I, Omega & Collared goodies — and Godiva Gems too! ;-p

nom nom nom



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One year ago today…

As it turns out, my first book, Lovely Wicked, released at Noble Romance on September 18th, 2010. Being fairly obtuse, that didn’t occur to me until Sept 18th was pretty much gone, but. BUT. It’s a milestone and I loves me some milestones. So for all you pre-published writers, fellow newbies (like me!) and readers who wonder just how steep the learning curve is, a nod to what life was like one year ago today.

One year ago today:
…I was still waiting for my author account to be activated at Goodreads — I’d yet to make a friend, join a group or post a giveaway
…I’d never had a book selected as a five-star Top Pick or received a one-star rating/review
…tweetdeck, hashtags, RT — whut?
…my email inbox was EMPTY. crickets, I tell you. crickets
…and WTH is syncing?
…I’d never stared blankly at a royalty statement & wondered, “this is good, right?”
…I had no idea how to do an html newsletter and wasn’t even sure what that was
…I didn’t know what to do about pirates, matey
…The banner on this site was, in a word, tragic
…I’d yet to snicker gleefully while writing a scene, knowing, just knowing readers were gonna lose their minds
…I didn’t even own my Kindle yet
…That writers or readers might want to meet me at a conference never occurred to me
…No one had ever asked me for a sequel (or threatened serious bodily injury in lieu of same)
…I thought I understood Amazon’s ranking system (I was so grossly wrong)
…Fanfic? Er…okay…what’s that?
…I hadn’t squicked over gunporn, nor had my virginal ears ever encountered words like cockdocking, edging, mpreg or ponyplay
…I feared my excess of personality might be a distracting disadvantage (I was wrong about that too)
…I never once considered suggesting a slave auction as a “really cool idea, dude”
…or instigated a blood feud
…I hadn’t signed a contract on proposal or faced down a deadline
…or made so many friends
…and enemies
…but mostly friends

One year. Only one year.

If you’ve ever read, rated, reviewed, emailed, talked to me on twitter or GR, said hi or hung out while I was in New York, helped me muddle through any of my bazillion newbie questions or offered to rip out anyone’s throat on my behalf…Thank you. Genuinely. Sincerely. No smartassery involved. The destination isn’t nearly as important as the journey, dudes. And it’s already been one helluva ride. 😉

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Who can resist #SaturdaySnark? NOT ME. ;D

Zachary pushed the eggs back under Brian’s nose. “Feed your nervous energy or you’ll be too exhausted to be much of a prick today.”

(In the Red, contracted with Loose Id)

Click on the banner above to head over to Marie Sexton’s blog to find out what Saturday Snark is all about and for moar snarky-licious fun!

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Heya, dudes! & much I, Omega #WOOT!

Just a quickie head’s up to let y’all know I’m over at Rachel Haimowitz‘s blog today, with my fancy shmancy write-ze-book checklist. Leave a comment about how, yes, my creative process sounds completely sane to you for a shot at goodies galore from I, Omega and Collared both! Including a notebook of this smokin hot cover of Gabriel’s glorious manflesh:

Can you blame Cal for biting him? I would. ;D

Also, a great big ole sloppy wet MWAH to everybody who’s already picked up a copy of of IO — Loose Id says I, Omega was their top seller last week. O.O Dayum. That’s pretty effing cool! To say the least. Much wahoo-ness abounds. >:D I hope you enjoy the sprint that is Gabriel & Cal’s story in I, Omega as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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Collared blurb of #woot! And I, Omega awesomeness…

After fighting off ze Monster Migraine from Hades yesterday, I woke up this morning to Collared‘s blurb from Riptide. YAY!

Trans-Global IT director Connor Witt is a rare and prized anomaly: the aggression centers in his brain have been suppressed rather than stimulated by the mutated crops that so recently took over the world’s food supply. Bewildered by his physical changes and terrified of a world growing more and more predatory, Connor risks harassment and worse until Trans-Global CEO David Martin collars Connor to protect him against men like security consultant Emmett Drake. Men who stalk Connor as sweet, sexy prey. Men to whom the newly submissive Connor feels irresistibly drawn.

But David can’t be Connor’s master; David’s straight. He promises to find a worthy man, though. One willing to court and appreciate Connor as more than just some rich man’s toy.

While the world adapts to the biological disaster and new laws strip away Connor’s rights, David’s resolve to protect his boy slowly grows into something more. But can his new desires keep pace with Emmett’s determination to claim Connor?

One man offers safety; the other is a safer bet. Problem is, Connor’s never sure which is which. The one thing he does know? He wants them both.

WAHOO!!!! Release date, November 28th, but look for more including excerpt and my #GenAlteredCorn pelting free-for-all soon!

And another wahoo for Queer Magazine Online‘s review of I, Omega:

Cal, Gabriel’s master, is the kind of man I just want to sink my teeth into…He is 100% prime alpha male with a presence that is both electric and mesmerizing. Gabriel’s effect on him is mind-blowing and I loved the moments when it’s a toss up as to who wants to please the other more. (Full review)

Serena Yates gave a wonderful review for IO, too, (though not as a QMO reviewer so head’s up on this being personal/private, LOL):

Very cleverly woven into the story were several hints that there was more to Gabriel’s condition than met the eye. Uncovering what was behind it all was great fun. The story is told entirely from Gabriel’s point of view, so I realised things as he discovered them, which definitely made for an interesting experience. This is a story about Gabriel finding his role in life and about growing into a position Cal wanted him for with a vengeance. (Full Review)


And if you’re still in market for a copy of IO, there’s time yet to comment at Amara’s Place to enter the drawing for a free copy! What do you like best about shifters? Your thoughts — show me them. Rawr!

And don’t forget the massive prizes up for grabs in the Night Owl Reviews Full Moon Web Hunt:

Click on the graphic for the full prize list and deets!

Finally…My thoughts & prayers go out to all the families who lost a loved one ten years ago on 9/11. Your loss has not been, or ever will be, forgotten. 🙁

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