I, Omega available NOW — #woot!

I, Omega‘s ready to download at Loose Id now, dudes! Just click on the cover to head right on over.

And…the winner of the Embrace Your Perv I, Omega ebook giveaway is…



Didn’t win? Sucks. Want another chance to win? Head on over to Amara’s Place where I’m blogging about the Land of WTF (yeah, you read that right), read a smokin hot excerpt, and leave a comment about what you like best about shifters to be entered into another drawing for a free ebook of my gloriously pervy IO by September 13th.

Oh, and I didn’t mention a contest, didn’t I?

Embrace Your Perv, Part Deux

Writing IO definitely pushed my boundaries and made me — you betcha — embrace my perv. Only fair I ask you to do the same, LOL. Email me at kari AT karigregg DOT com with the number of occasions Gabriel is spanked in I, Omega (ONscreen only — be sure to include single-swat spanky events!) with “Embrace Your Perv” in the subject line. The first reader to email me with the correct answer wins! All remaining correct entries will be pooled and a Second Chance winner selected at random among them, to be notified on October 6th. Here’s what ya got a shot at, compadres:

I, Omega canvas tote
I. Omega coffee mug
I, Omega magnet, notepad, notebook & pen
Collared magnet, notebook & notepad
Cover flats + magnets – Lovely Wicked, Spoils of War, What Rough Beast
7oz Godiva Gems!

Sound good? GREAT! Email me with how many times poor (LUCKY) Gabriel gets spanked in I, Omega for the win! Entries limited to the continental United States (sorry, international readers!).

Keep your eyeballs glued right here for further updates on other appearances, contests and giveaways. In the meantime, I hope you like Cal and Gabriel as much as I enjoyed writing their story…

Happy reading!

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I Omega ~ Giveaway! Embrace your perv…

One week left til I, Omega releases, compadres…Who wants a free copy? Do you want it enough to comment with a genre, theme, trope or kink (hmmm…bondage…nom nom nom) that surprised you?

IO is my first (though certainly not my last) BDSM title. Writing it? Hot as hell. Gabriel and Cal as well as the world they live in took me places, very interesting places. Fascinating places. Places that surprised me, but in the very best way. No, I won’t tell you what those places were for fear of spoilering the book to death, LOL, but suffice it to say IO invited the animal nature of shifters to the table and then threw it a party. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Embrace your perv, I say! If you want to be entered for a free digital copy of I, Omega, leave a comment by 2:00 p.m. EST on IO’s release date, September 6th, with your favorite kink, trope, theme, genre — whatever surprised you by turning your crank. I’ll choose one winner at random and WOOT, free pervy smexin is yours. ๐Ÿ˜€

So…what’s your favorite kink, dudes?

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I Omega — smexy cover goodness

World? Meet Gabriel, payroll accountant and experienced sub. WHOA. Ze blurb:

After one mind-shattering night with a stranger at a local leather bar leaves him forever changed, Gabriel lives on the streets as a vagrant to elude the master who hunts him, but the were shifter is a fierce, stubborn predator who reclaims him soon enough. Gabriel is carried away to the packโ€™s home territory where his instruction on what it means to be the pet of an alpha begins. Gabriel isnโ€™t just any pet, though. He is the rarest among their kind: a human omega.

Treasured? Or cursed?

As Gabrielโ€™s father, the Distinguished Gentleman from Pennsylvania and stalwart of the conservative party, pushes the considerable resources at his disposal to locate his missing son, Gabriel explores who and what he is under his masterโ€™s careful protection. Gabriel falls for the shifter who is both lover and destroyer, owner andโ€ฆfriend?

I, Omega will release 9/6 at Loose Id. IO’s a spectacularly pervy little story that I just adored writing. Suffice it to say, Gabriel and Cal forced me outside my writerly comfort zone, as in outside that comfort zone and into another dimension entirely. ๐Ÿ˜‰ For one, IO’s my first BDSM title — and let me pause to say OMG, is there anything more woot-worthy than writing kink? (hint: no) — and for another…The world Gabriel and Cal live in is just so wonderfully feral and bizarre. Not your typical shifter story. IO’s world invited the animal nature of shifters to the table and then threw it a party. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyhoo, giveaway to come…

And to all friends & compadres in Hurricane Irene’s path? Be safe!

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I Omega, Collared and Web Hunt for the win!

Cool, huh? If you toddle over heeyah, you’ll find all the rules and how to play, but basically Night Owl Reviews is hosting a web hunt! To join in the fun, hunt madly over ze internets on the sites of particpating authors (like moi!) for the NOR web hunt graphic that includes a word. Collect words and where you found them…25 words will get you entered into one wowser of a prize list. Get all 40 words? You’ll be entered for the grand prize — a Kindle preloaded with 5 books from Silver Publishing! Sound like fun? Good. Now, go find the NOR web hunt graphic here on my site…and HAVE FUN!

In other news, I haz a release date! Collared will release at Riptide Publishing on November 28th.


Long time, huh?


Like forever even.


*le sigh*


Now, you really didn’t think I’d leave you hanging, did you? Oh hell no. Keep your eye here for Collared‘s blurb, excerpts and one hellishly fun #GenAlteredCorn pelting pre-release contest with WOOT-worthy prizes!

In the meantime…

I, Omega will be releasing with Loose Id on September 6th…And here’s your warning to put on your thinking caps, compadres. I’ll be posting a giveaway next week in the days leading up to the release and if you want a chance at a free copy of I, Omega? Well…hm…have you really embraced your perv? I mean, genuinely and truly embraced your perv? For this giveaway, I think I’m gonna want an ode to hot, kinkyful smexin. Okay, no, you won’t have to write an ode (I’ll thank you if you don’t…really…please don’t, LOL), but your favorite kink is going to come out to play. I promise entering the giveaway won’t be at all painful. Unless you like it to be painful, that is… ๐Ÿ˜‰

So check back next week for the giveaway deets and — happy web hunting!

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Collared’s sexy new cover — Behold, ye smut lovers! And tremble…

Pretty, no? My upcoming title with the wholly fabulous Riptide Publishing, scheduled to release later this fall. Collared has also already been added to Goodreads — WOOT! You can also talk, hang out, harass or flash me in my thread of the new Riptide Goodreads group and say hi to other first wave authors like Brita Addams and Damon Suede.

Busy, busy. busy… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Riptide — Ride the Wave

Sooper Seekrit Projekt no more! Now that the site is live, I can finally spill…My D/s dsytopian m/m novella, Collared, was contracted with brand spanking (hardee har har) new publisher, Riptide Publishing! Riptide is a boutique publisher headed up by good buddies Rachel Haimowitz, Aleks Voinov, publicist Chris Hawkins and art director, L.C. Chase. And oh my, you guys should be jealous, oh so heinously jealous. For the time being, Riptide submissions are invite-only and I count myself lucky to number among the first wave of authors:

L.A. Witt
Andrea Speed
Damon Suede
Brita Addams
Bryl Tyne
Peter Hansen
Cat Grant
Rhianon Etzweiler
Storm Grant

with some goodies from co-founders Rachel and Aleks too. ๐Ÿ˜€

Riptide will start rolling out short stories, novellas and novels this fall, with a kick-ass launch party the likes of which you’ve never seen. Prepare for much blog touring, loads of whoa-inducing prizes and in my Collared‘s case, lots of #GenAlteredCorn pelting. (Yes, you read that right.) Be on the lookout for updates including my GORGEOUS cover (for a sneak peek, check out the cover art sample file in Riptide’s press kit!), blurb and excerpt soon.


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Armed & Dangerous to Paper Targets

I went to the shooting range today with a friend who taught me to load/unload, clean and shoot a Ruger 10/22 tactical rifle, .22 mini pistol, and a .40 S&W Beretta handgun to make sure I had the details right for Brian Foster, my nutty gun enthusiast & forensic accountant in In the Red. Tomorrow, we’re going back with a 9MM, AR-15, a shotgun and bunches of others.

The pic is a crop of my target with the .22 rifle, 1 clip (10 rounds) at 25yds. I don’t care that my shots are clustered low-right, dude. I got inside the circle, leading me to believe that any zombie that wanders into my path? Is toast. YAY! Also, Brian and I have the same problem with anticipating the kick when firing the .40, which is bad for my zombie survivability but awesome for In the Red. But honestly, the .22 rifle is my go-to zombie apocalypse weapon of choice so…whatever.


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Hot Summer Days & The Importance of Being Denny

My free read, “The Importance of Being Denny,” was posted to the Goodreads M/M Romance Group’s Hot Summer Days event on July 12th, woo hoo! Hop on in to say hi, leave a comment or if you prefer, you can download the pdf here: TheImportanceofBeingDenny_byKariGregg.

And now…back to work…

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Writing Binge of Woot

Just a head’s up that I’m going to ground to work my little hiney off. All kiddos abscond to summer camps I’m not volunteering at as of today. Sooper Seekrit Projekt due in August, In the Red as fast as I can wrap it up — Sorry, dudes, I need to work.

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RWA wrap-up…and the poor wretch who won the Anchored giveaway ;-)

Let us all pause and reflect for a brief moment on poor, poor Alex W, the unfortunate soul who won the Rachel Haimowitz giveaway and is now, as we speak, gaining custody of her Belonging verse loot.


Congrats, Alex! Enjoy your goodies!!!

And…I went to RWA National in NYC last week, very recently back so I suppose the thing to do is a conference recap, right? Isn’t that what us writerly folks are supposed to do? Why certainly!



The pink lemonades in the atrium bar were really, really good?

LOL, I wasn’t quite that bad, but sadly enough, I had a lot more fun meeting new people and discussing new/current projects with friends than scrambling from one workshop to the next. All the books I have on deck through late fall are already spoken for so I didn’t even have anything to pitch. Which was sad because I adore pitching. For instance, pitching Rachel Haimowitz out of the sky lobby during the Futuristic, Fantasy & Paranormal chapter’s party, The Gathering. No, I didn’t do it. Rachel’s still drawing breath, LOL, but alas, so very tempting. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I must’ve been looking shifty & evil, though, because she bribed me away from the party with the very high window views to meet Damon Suede for drinks. OMG, what a hoot. Yes, Rachel is vile (& I must fess up, just as fun & funny IRL as she is online), but Damon? The Emporer of All That is Awesome! What a blast, can’t wait to do it again. ๐Ÿ˜€ The only pardonable excuse, btw, for not having picked up your copy of his Hot Head is brain damage and you know what? Even brain damage isn’t going to fly. Due to a slight miscalculation at the Starbucks fount of woot, I was up til 4am one night with a caffeine buzz that a couple Coronas couldn’t knock back, jangling half out of my gourd and also perversely floaty, but I was reading it — When I say Hot Head is whoa? Trust me, the book is WHOA. Go. Read. It. NOW.

I also got to fangirl stalk K.A. Mitchell and L.B. Gregg, scoring signed books including an ARC of Not Knowing Jack — WOO HOO!!! (No, you can’t have it. Is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! Bwa ha ha!) So that was extremely cool.

I was able to meet up with my good compadre from Goodreads, Susan, and Taylor Donovan (whose Six Degrees of Lust will release with MLR Press soon) for the Literacy Signing the first night, too. I lost Taylor (don’t worry, she’s still alive — I just couldn’t find her in the ginormous crowd, LOL), but Susan and I compared fave authors and books afterwards, which was also very cool.

And…uh…the rest of the time I dicked off. LMAO! Oh no, wait. I didn’t screw around, no way. Uh uh. I networked. Yup. If you are an IRS agent examining my business expenses, I most definitely networked my tail off. You betcha. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyhoo, the hotel survived my kids treating the elevators like amusement park rides and I tipped well to make up for…existing, LOL…So it’s all good.

Especially when I come home to the kick off of the Goodreads M/M Group’s Hot Summer Days…M/M Style event!!! YAY!!! I was on the road so I’ve some catching up to do already, but the event couldn’t have launched better with L.C. Chase‘s “Open Tackle”. Join one of the top, super-friendly and fun groups on Goodreads today to share in the free reads all summer long!

Happy 4th of July to all us pesky Americans — and happy reading!

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