M/M Capture Goodness…

For those who are wondering, I Omega has been sent out after a major rewrite from 1st to 3rd POV and is, for all intents and purposes, finished. Woo hoo! When will IO release? No idea. Depends on who ends up offering for it and how the publisher’s schedule shakes out. I don’t even have a contract for it yet, dudes. LOL! Trust me, I hate the waiting even more than you do. As soon as I know, you’ll know.

With IO wrapped, I can now finally move onto another project. Yay! The problem being my head is still deep in IO’s BDSM shifter story world. Which is fine…unless Plunder is next on your docket. Creative whiplash, anyone? πŸ˜‰ In the interest of shifting mental gears, I started playing with a M/M fantasy short story before heading back into Plunder. Just a transitional piece. It has a harder edge than Plunder and the setting’s not grounded so much in ancient civ. But it kept trying to turn into a novella, which isn’t such a hot thing considering I need to move into Plunder sooner rather than later. My self-control when it comes to the shiny (ideas, that is)…Well, I don’t have any. As it happens, that may play well for a capture anthology with Aleksandr Voinov and Rachel Haimowitz for Storm Moon Press (whom I’m also planning to send a holiday short story to), though. It’s just in the brainstorming phase at this point, but…I’ve always wanted to work with those two. Could be a lot of fun.

Anyhoo, yes, I am working. My head still isn’t quite where it needs to be to dive into Plunder, but give me a day or two. Plunder is next, I promise. πŸ˜€

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Save your thighs! And What Rough Beast now available at…

I now interrupt this blood feud for a seriously important announcement…

What Rough Beast is now available at Amazon, Fictionwise and ARe.


While pondering the ultimate coolness of that…Have you voted for Lovely Wicked yet? Cruel, evil wretch. You’re making it unreasonably difficult to stomp Rachel down. You know that, right? You’re also adding cellulite to your left thigh. Just the left one. You don’t want to end up freakishly lopsided, do you? Of course not! Vote for Lovely Wicked by March 31st! And while you’re at The Romance Reviews voting for Lovely Wicked (and saving your thighs), be sure to check out the cool Grand Opening Event prizes still to be had! This week, you could win a print edition of Spoils of War. Join in the TRR Grand Opening festivities and that bad boy could be yours!

And vote Lovely Wicked. Your thighs will thank you.

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Trailer — Blood Feud: Lovely Wicked vs. That Other Book


Ze Feud Trailer of Awesomeness!

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Win Lovely Wicked at Amara’s Place–and vote, Vote, VOTE!

In honor of the brutal and bloodthirsty feud between moi and writerly compadre Rachel Haimowitz, Amara’s Place is hosting a Giveaway Showdown! All you have to do for your chance to win a copy of Lovely Wicked is click on over to Showdown Giveaway 1: Lovely Wicked by Kari Gregg and leave a comment by March 14th, easy peasy. Then hit our feud site by clicking on the nifty badge above for the link to cast your vote at TRR.


You can comment for your chance to win and click through to vote for that other book by Rachel Whatsername, but seriously, why would you do that when every comment (and vote!) for…what was that book called again?…uh…whatever, every comment/vote contributes to global warming, intensifies the conflict in the Mid-East and adds cellulite to your tush.

Go comment for your chance at a win! And what’re you waiting for? GO VOTE! This is your chance to save the planet, work for world peace and achieve the FABULOUS butt you’ve wanted since you were a fetus. Vote Lovely Wicked TODAY!


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Game. ON!


My good buddy Rachel Haimowitz (foolish, foolish mortal) has stepped up to yesterday’s Kari Shall Stomp You To Dust challenge. YAY!Β  In so doing, we’ve created a Blood Feud page where you may download badges just like the pretty-ful specimen above to support the wholly awesome and utterly vote-worthy Lovely Wicked (see reviews here, here and at amazon; behold Ze Trailer of Wonderful as well).

Or you can grab the totally sucktacular Badge Of Shame & Ruin for Rachel’s Anchored, but really why on earth would you do that? When you know every vote kills a sweet fluffy baby chick? You like baby chicks, don’t you? DON’T YOU?

Help me stomp, Stomp, STOMP Rachel down, baby down! And show this cruelty-is-a-hobby wretch what smokin’ hot smut is all about! A vote for Lovely Wicked is a vote for excellence in smut! A vote for Lovely Wicked is a vote for sexual liberation/diversity and woo boy hotness! A vote for Lovely Wicked is a vote for the prevention of cruelty to baby chicks world-wide–yes, you can make a difference! Cast your vote for Lovely Wicked and grab your Badge of Smut-acular Pride & Honor TODAY!!!

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Bursting with WIN — The Romance Reviews Grand Opening!

Want to win some books? How about some American Express or Amazon gift cards? And grand prizes for gift cards of $100, $75 and $50? The Romance Reviews is celebrating their grand opening and woo boy, they are doing it in style, compadres! TRR can boast well over 100 participating authors (pick me! pick me! LOL) and over 200 prizes that include A MOTHERLOAD of weekly prizes (you can win a digital copy of What Rough Beast plus a gazillion other titles this week!) plus the stellar grand prizes at month’s end.

Don’t forget to vote on your favorite books of 2010 while you’re ho’ing for prizes! Not to be a shameless diva or anything (HA! just give me my Empress of Shameless tiara now pls), but a certain author (Rachel *cough, cough* Haimowitz *hack, cough*)Β  and I are in the running for the same category, Best Erotic Romance (Non-traditional Lifestyle) in 2010.

While I have no expectations of wining the thing (I’m shameless, not stoopid), I do have great aspirations of beating my good buddy Rachel Haimowitz like a swayback mule. πŸ˜€

So I’d dearly appreciate it if you help me stomp Rachel’s butt into the ground by giving Lovely Wicked your vote.


You’re still here?


Go win prizes!!!! And vote, vote, vote for Lovely Wicked and help me achieve my dream of humiliating my writerly bestie Rachel, because, heh, what’re friends for, right? πŸ˜‰

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R is for Rape–or Romance?

Those of you who follow my posts here know I rarely (translation: never) write true blogs posts. What I do is more of a slang-ridden Awesome Dood newsy kind of deal. There’s nothing I could say craft-wise that others aren’t saying more eloquently. I suppose I could post more reviews, but not like you can’t read mine on goodreads.

Still, every once in a great while, I have something to say and I believe what I have to say might add to the discussion. This is one of those times.

Violence. In romance.

There has been a veritable Armageddon-esque storm of controversy surrounding violence/rape tropes in the m/m niche in the past weeks (or has it been months?) among m/m blogs and review sites. Since some of my books can be said to fall into the works in question, I’ve followed the discussions quite doggedly. If you posted or commented on this issue? I probably read it. I just didn’t speak up because I genuinely wanted to hear what readers and reviewers had to say. I also had some pondering to do. I wasn’t going to remark until I’d processed and given the issue the attention I feel it deserves. From everybody’s perspective, not just my own.

Well, I’ve processed.

My turn.

First a caveat. I write het, mΓ©nage and m/m with darker threads woven into my stories that have included violence and rape, although a good bit happens off-screen. But I wouldn’t say the stuff that happens on-screen is gratuitous. (Feel free to disagree.) Also bear in mind that I’m not speaking from a purely m/m perspective. I write girl cooties as well as the m/m and see no reason to limit the discussion to m/m alone.

That said…

What is a romance? A story in which the developing love relationship is the central focus. (Feel free to disagree with that too.) The fact that some of these characters haven’t led rosy lives doesn’t insta-remove the focus from the developing relationship. It just means that character probably has bigger hurdles on the way to love and commitment. These characters are hurting. They may be functional, but that doesn’t always mean healthy. They have trust issues. They make mistakes that characters who don’t share their histories/experiences maybe wouldn’t make. They have a lot of work to do before they can have their HEA. None of that requires that these obstacles must be the central focus, though.

Generally speaking, romances take us away to a different world. As a reader, I want to be taken away at least. When I pick up a book, I want to breathe in someone else’s skin and move in a world not my own. Sometimes, those worlds are soft and sweet, with rounded corners and cabinet safety-locks. Sometimes, as a reader, I need that. Our world isn’t perfect. Far from it. Just turn on the news, compadres. Our world doesn’t come equipped with those padded edges and safety-locks. A couple of times, one of my clients (I’m in charge of a food pantry) has cornered me in the parking lot and scared ten years off my life. You think I don’t want a world where I don’t have to worry about that drug-addicted client beating the hell out of me? Wrong. Sometimes, I want to visit a world where drug addicts don’t terrorize the people who try to help them.

But…Sometimes, I do. Sometimes, I want to visit a world just like my own. Or even worse than my own. Where people hurt. Where people make horrible mistakes, just like I make mistakes. Where senseless shitty things happen and you sometimes wonder how in the hell things ever got so bad. I want to see those characters deal with that world of horrors because I too deal with a world of horrors. I want to see those characters work through the Ginormous Mountain of Crap that weighs them down because sometimes it weighs me down too. I want to feel hope. I want that character to give me a reason to hope. Love blooms in spite of the ugliness of what can happen in our world today. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived it. And when that love emerges in the ugly, craptastic world of horrors? That love is all the more fine and precious. It’s beautiful. All the more beautiful because those characters had to work for it. They had to fight for it. They have to nurture and protect it. Just like each of us do every single day. Maybe we aren’t fighting a brutal vampyr war. Maybe we were never enslaved by a rival kingdom or molested/abused as children (lucky you). But the world can still eat away at us. Bit by bit.

That’s why I write stories with darker threads and that’s why I read them. These stories are in many ways a catharsis for me. I’m one of those people who didn’t have the rosy life; count yourself blessed if you are. But for me, these stories aren’t about the less-than-rosy. They’re about hope. They give me a reason to hope because if love can shine bright for those characters and in those worlds? It can shine brightly for me too. Even if my drug addicted client beats the hell out of me. Even when I’m scared to death because a guy on the sex offender registry has started to attend scouts meetings with his son. Even though I was raped. (Yeah, try having a thrice-convicted rapist at your scout meetings when you’ve been raped–NOT. FUN.) But love happened for me. It’s still happening for me. I had to work for it and I still do. I had to fight for it and I still do. But plowing through shit to come through the other side doesn’t make mine any less of a love story. It just makes my love story–and the stories with darker themes that I love to write–that much more extraordinary. In the very best sense.

Those of you who insist violence in romances means they aren’t legitimate romances? I don’t blame you for your preferences. I wish to God you’d stop blaming me and pointing accusing, condemning fingers at me for mine. I’m not a freak, thanks. There are a lot of other writers and readers just like me and we all aren’t the pervy deviants you suggest (or insist) we must be.

If you don’t like books with these darker threads? Fine. Don’t read them. But please step off your pedestal. Stop preaching to the masses that stories with violent/darker themes aren’t real romances. If love is the focus, they are romances, no matter what the characters have to work through to snatch the prize. They’re just a different kind of romance than you like. Different tastes doesn’t automatically equate to lacking in all merit and only scary perverts read this–or words to that affect.

Also a final word about labeling…I’ve seen that banner carried far and wide these past weeks: Darker themed books must be properly labeled for rape and violence!

Are you telling me that you couldn’t read the blurb of my Spoils of War (which includes: “Enslaved during the invasion of the rival King of Herra…” and “…the Herran King, abuses his captive…”) and not know that this is a darker book? Or that readers couldn’t tell from Lovely Wicked‘s blurb (“…When they meet there again while visiting their dysfunctional families as adults, Mitch and Liv escape the ghosts of their past…”) that it has darker threads too? Heck, my latest, What Rough Beast, has an explicit alert for violence as a special content warning. (The vampyr are at war and curiously enough, war can be violent–go figure.)

While I agree that better labeling may be the answer in some cases, I’d also argue that writers and publishers in many, many instances have alerted the reader to darker themed stories through special content warnings, blurb contents, and/or both. I respectfully submit that, a great many times, readers and reviewers have simply ignored those warnings or have paid little heed to them. Bloggers and reviewers have waxed long and long and long (and long) about darker themed stories that include violence and/or rape. The demands for better labeling has been…ironic, given the inaccuracies of these protests. (For example, people have inaccurately claimed a book was labeled as “romance” or “BDSM” when that particular book clearly was not and already included the labels those same people demanded.) Maybe better labeling is the answer, but I think perhaps readers (and reviewers) paying more attention to EXISTING labels and reading the blurbs would help. A lot.

The belittling and sweeping condemnations of stories with darker themes that include violence and rape have also been, at times, incredibly hurtful to me as both a writer and a reader. Yes, I know. Writer. Thick skin, hello? But this has been going on for weeks and weeks (and weeks, ad nauseum). Maybe I’m naive and stupid. No wait. I’m a newbie. Of course I’m naive and stupid, LOL, but it genuinely floored me that such judgmental, insulting and hurtful remarks would spring from the oft-ridiculed and oft-condemned m/m community, of all people. People I know. People I respect. The folks I thought would be open about those of us who are different…weren’t. That still stuns and saddens me.

Do you think the outrage over violence/rape in m/m (or het & menage) has gone too far? Or should the tarring and feathering of us deviants immediately commence? Comment below.

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What Rough Beast at TRR and woo boy

Michelle R over at The Romance Reviews (TRR) rated What Rough Beast as a 5 Star Top Pick!

Guys and gals who love the paranormal, the romance, the epic battle for freedom and the love of family and friends willing to die for each other, this one is for you. It has light and dark moments, passionate love and heart breaking loss, friendship and camaraderie and evil masters who enslave the masses. I’ve officially fallen in love with the rebels and can’t wait to cheer them on as they find love and slay their proverbial dragon. Full review

Which was really, really cool. πŸ™‚

Also, be on the lookout for the Grand Opening event at TRR, March 1st – 31st when TRR will give away over $1500 in prizes including scads of ebooks (including all three of mine!), print books (including Spoils of War), gift certificates and a Kindle! Take a few minutes to check out the site and see what all the fun’s about!

In other news…Just one more week left to enter the What Rough Beast: Name That Shifter! Contest so if you haven’t mailed your entry in for your chance at a small mother load of goodies and cool prizes, send, send send. Details here.

And woo boy, have I ever been enjoying myself way too much the past several weeks. Yes, I’m writing, but the writerly ADD has been awesome bad. I’ve been working merrily away on: I, Omega, Spoils of War 2: Plunder, an as-yet untitled short story, an alternate universe novel (that was interrupted when three books sold late last summer and I, miraculously, have not pitched or promised to anyone yet, lol) and a post-zombie apocalypse novella. All M/M. Not that I’ve turned my back on m/f and menage, compadres. I haven’t. My focus is just laser-sighted on dangly bits at the moment. πŸ˜‰

Anyhoo, those of you waiting for sequels? I know, okay? Just bear in mind, I’ve been on the New Release roller coaster for what feels like epochs: September (Lovely Wicked), October (Spoils of War), December (“You Melted Me” for the M/M Romance group at Goodreads) and January (What Rough Beast). I’m tired, dudes. I had been rushing to finish/polish I, Omega and don’t get me wrong, I’m still excited about making that one all pretty, shiney and new. But I’m way more excited at the idea of maintaining the quality of my work and delivering the best book possible. I’m not so enamored with getting a fourth book out that I’m willing to rush through crap, even if it’s smokin’ hot, smexy crap. PWP does not appeal. So I’m taking my time with I, Omega, letting the dust settle on my revisions before I make my final pass through it and send it in. Trust me, you’ll like the results loads better. πŸ˜€ And once my end-of-book squirrelies slack off, I’ll be capable of concentrating my unsplintered attention on Plunder (which is coming along rather nicely, I must say, LOL).

TGIF & Happy Friday, everyone!

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My first guest blog, Lovely Wicked and going to ground…again

I’m talking about Story World and the Magic of “What if” and “How” at Castles and Guns today! Stop by and say hi!

Also mega Woo Hoo’s (!!!) for the rocking reviews that have come in recently for Lovely Wicked! Summer, at QMO says:

I like how she [that would be me, ya cretins, LOL] takes basic ideas and twists them in such interesting ways, her stories are really worth a read just to get her take on them. Full Review

and Rho at The Romance Reviews rated Lovely Wicked as a Top Pick!

There are times when you sit down to read, and you instantly know you are experiencing something special. That’s how I felt when reading LOVELY WICKED. This book is unlike any other erotic romance I have ever read. The deeply emotional plot rivaled with the extremely erotic and at times very carnal scenes and made this a highly intense read that captivated me from the beginning.

but I totally adored this too:

I thought that this book was unusual in that it’s a romance, but it’s told through the eyes of Mitch. That unusual voice lent itself to the amazing quality of this work. Full Review

Principally because I loves me some Mitch too. LOL. And Sammy. Oh my. That man, be still my heart. Really need to schedule the sequel somewhere on my calendar. πŸ˜‰

Anyhoo, thank you Rho and Summer, for the woo-hoo worthy reviews–and also to the readers who posted reviews at Goodreads and Amazon. Special thanks go to She for picking Lovely Wicked for the Kindle Smut group read and to everyone who hopped in to say hi and participated in the F-U-N discussion! You guys. Are. Bursting with AWESOME!!!

Finally…Once again (except this time I mean it, LOL) I’m going to ground. Writerly ADD has me in its toothy, taloned grip–I now have two projects thisclose to THE END (I Omega and an as yet untitled short) that I need to clear off my virtual desk before I can go back to Plunder. And I have to finish Plunder before I can dig into (woo hoo!) the zombie book that is eating away my braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains. (He he.) So…

If I don’t come up for air in a few days, dancing giddily because something is done, Done, DONE, feel free to poke me with a stick. Just resist the urge to beat me over the head with it. πŸ˜€

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CONGRATULATIONS Monica! & What Rough Beast is available NOW!

Congratulations, Monica Johnson, who was drawn from all commentors (both on my site and at Goodreads) to win the print edition of Spoils of War! A signed copy along with bunches of other promo goodies is coming your way. πŸ˜€

Also…YAY! What Rough Beast is available now at Loose Id! Remember, I’m a new LI author so What Rough Beast qualifies for the $3 discount on Loose Id’s home page–just enter coupon code NEWYEAR2011 at checkout.



What Rough Beast: Name That Shifter! Contest

Yes, I know. It’s a vampire book. But guess what? It ain’t just vamps, dah-ling. I loves me some shifters! My weres are a fundamental element of the story world so I’m hoping that you’ll love them, too. Or at least remember what one of their names are. Yep, that’s all you have to do. Email me at kari AT {NO SPAM} karigregg DOT com (removing the AT, NO SPAM and DOT bits and etc, you know the drill, LOL) with the name of any shifter appearing in What Rough Beast and “Name that Shifter!” in the subject line by February 25, 2011 and you will be entered into a drawing for:

What Rough Beast canvas tote
What Rough Beast coffee mug
What Rough Beast magnet, bookmark, cover flat & notepad
A World More Extraordinary notebook & pen
(with a special shout-out to my Goodreads Kindle Smut compadres)
a “Peace, Love…SMUT!” t-shirt and cap
Oh…and my favorite chocolate of the moment, whatever that happens to be in February πŸ˜‰

Sound good? GREAT! Email me the name of your favorite shifter in What Rough Beast by February 25th! Entries limited to the continental United States (sorry, international readers!). Winner to be contacted by email by me on February 26th and announced on my site as soon as I have a mail-to address.

In the mean time,Β  if you haven’t entered for your chance at the free drawing for What Rough Beast, leave a comment here by February 1st.

Happy reading!

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