What Rough Beast Giveaway!

Yeah. I know. I’m a wee bit early,LOL, but to celebrate the Goodreads Kindle Smut Group reading Lovely Wicked as Klub Smut-lection starting this weekend, figured I’d make life a little simpler for Smutters who like Lovely Wicked to sign up for the drawing for the What Rough Beast giveaway!

Ze Blurb:

Dark masters and the vampyr they’ve enslaved for millennia are at war…And the vampyr are losing.

During a raid on a dark master stronghold, Luc stumbles across Kate, a rare female susceptible to the vampyr virus. Ruthlessly hunted by the enemy, they flee — to Garrick, Luc’s mentor and friend. Garrick provides a sanctuary, but safety comes with a price. Though her mind remains very human, Garrick initiates the biological trigger that begins pair-bonding because they must mate. Quickly. Dark masters have tired of the rebellion. They will not tolerate the escape of another vampyr to mating. Dark masters flush the pair from his sanctuary and when Garrick eludes them, they seize Luc instead. Using him as bait, they draw Garrick and Kate into their trap.

And again…Loose-Id is running a woo-hoo-worthy discount to kick off the New Year with brand new Loose Id authors. Yup. THREE DOLLARS off the price of one book by a new author and YAY, I’m new at Loose Id (aren’t I just so special? LOL) so What Rough Beast qualifies. WAHOO! So if you’re planning on picking up a copy of What Rough Beast on the 25th? Check out the details of the discount on Loose Id’s home page to get it cheap, cheap, cheap! 😀

Look for the excerpt and a cool contest for What Rough Beast on the 25th! Oh and if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet? Dudes, DO IT NOW. I’m throwing together the newsletter to announce WRB’s release and I always select a newsletter subscriber at random for a prize. No, I’m not telling you what the prize is this time, but it’s awesome ;-p so if you haven’t signed up? There’s a newsletter thingie at the bottom of the page to be added.

Anyhoo, leave a comment below to be entered into the drawing for a free copy of What Rough Beast in format of choice (formats available at LI, that is) by 2:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 1st. Winner to be contacted by email shortly thereafter and announced here — GOOD LUCK! 🙂

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Belonging Book One: Anchored by Rachel Haimowitz…Book trailer & review

Network news anchor Daniel Halstrom is at the top of his field, but being at the bottom of the social ladder–being a slave–makes that hard to enjoy. Especially when NewWorld Media, the company who’s owned him since childhood, decides to lease him on evenings and weekends to boost their flagging profits.

Daniel’s not stupid; he knows there’s only one reason a man would pay so much for what little free time he has, and it’s got nothing to do with his knowledge of current events. But he’s never been made to serve like that before, and he fears he won’t survive the experience with his sanity intact.

He finds himself in the home of Carl Whitman, a talk show host whose words fail him time and again when it comes to ordering Daniel to bed. Daniel knows what Carl wants, but it seems as if Carl isn’t willing to take it, and Daniel’s not willing to give it freely. His recalcitrance costs him dearly, but with patience and some hard-won understanding, love just might flourish where once there’d been only fear and pain. Can Carl become the anchor in Daniel’s turbulent life, or will he end up the weight that sinks his slave for good?

Special Content Alert: M/M, forced oral and anal intercourse

Available at Noble Romance

And brand-spanking new, the book trailer I made for Anchored:

My Review

There is absolutely nothing about Anchored that isn’t heart-pounding and gut-clenching–in the very best and very worst (which is also the best) ways. Daniel is a network news anchor–and a slave–owned by NewWorld Media and if you think this is play-acting? A silly game? You, my friend, are dead wrong. Rachel Haimowitz sucks us right in so that we experience every detail of Daniel’s slavery and we struggle right along with him as Daniel wrestles with who he is, what he is and the cold, often brutal world he lives in.

Daniel’s owners? If you walk away from Anchored thinking they aren’t monsters, seek therapy, pal. They are the stuff nightmares are made of. Fortunately for Daniel, when his owners lease him out during his free hours for extra profit, he ends up with Carl, though. Carl is essentially a good man, though he is very much a product of his environment. As a master, he tries to have patience and understanding with Daniel, but…A slave is a slave and he’s not paying the big bucks for Daniel to look pretty, is he? When his patience wears thin, Carl goes to NewWorld media about Daniel’s hesitation to serve Carl sexually…Carl makes them promise not to beat Daniel again. But Daniel pays an even higher price.

Daniel is raped by his owners. Yes, plural. On-screen. And it. Is. Brutal.

Carl’s care and concern for Daniel in the aftermath is finally the one thing that reaches through all of Daniel’s fears and convinces Daniel that Carl is worth risking not just his trust, but also his heart. The end, watching these two men grow together, watching Carl work for Daniel’s trust and Daniel ultimately give it to him? Whoa.

Anchored is not a light read. Sometimes, it will make you uncomfortable. Sometimes, you will be horrified. You will share Daniel’s pain, his fear, his struggle. But you’ll also share in the healing Carl offers him and find the love that was waiting for these two men all along. Highly recommend, two thumbs way up.



Wanna win a book? Rachel’s offering winner’s choice of either Counterpoint (Song of the Fallen) or Sublime: Collected Shorts as well as a swag bag of cool Anchored and Counterpoint goodies, winner to be drawn from those leaving comments and announced January 23rd-24th at her blog tour’s end.

And if you still don’t have enough of Anchored, why not head on over to Daniel’s character interview at Desert Island Keepers today?

Or you can head over to yesterday’s stops with Brita Addams for the Anchored deleted scene/prologue or see what Aleksandr Voinov had to say in his interview and review.

So…Leave a comment about Anchored for your chance to win. Or you can wax poetic about my crazy mad book trailer making skilz. That works too. 😉

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Spoils of War now available in print ~ GIVEAWAY TIME!

Yippee, hooray! Spoils of War is now available as a paperback and to squee my fool head off over it, I’m giving one of these bad boys away! Yeppers, you can have your very own, hold-in-your-grubby-mitts print edition of Spoils with that gorgeous cover (Fiona Jayde, you are a goddess!). All you have to do for your chance to win is leave a comment below by What Rough Beast‘s release date, January 25th. I’ll ask Dear Hubbie to draw a commenter at random for the freebie and announce it here on WRB’s release day.

So leave your fab comment below for a shot at my sexy new print book. 😉

!!!PLEASE NOTE: This giveaway is open to international readers!!!

And…While I”m on here posting…Did you know Loose-Id is running a woo-hoo-worthy discount to kick off the New Year with brand new Loose Id authors? Yup. THREE DOLLARS off the price of one book by a new author and YAY, I’m new at Loose Id (aren’t I just so special? LOL) so What Rough Beast qualifies. WAHOO! So if you’re planning on picking up a copy of What Rough Beast on the 25th? Check out the details of the discount on Loose Id’s home page to get it cheap, cheap, cheap! 😀

Finally…Mark your calendars, compadres, because this site is going to be hopping on Saturday, the 22nd. First off, I’ll be reviewing Rachel Haimowitz’s brand spanking new book, Belonging Book One: Anchored which released today (GO BUY IT NOW) as my stop on Rachel’s Anchored Blog Tour so Rachel will also be giving away the winner’s choice of either Counterpoint (Song of the Fallen #1) (which is completely awesome) or Sublime: Collected Shorts (also awesome), plus a swag bag of Anchored and Counterpoint goodies! Speaking of which isn’t this ad the coolest thing evah:

He he he. Anyhoo, as a special surprise, I’m not just reviewing Anchored, though I do expect you to read over my mad praises (damn it!) and participate in the discussion/debate I hope will follow. I’m also making a book trailer for Anchored, though, (did I mention that I like this book? LOL) and you’ll see it first, right here, on the 22nd.

As if that’s not woo-boy enough, the Kindle Smut Group at Goodreads will begin reading Lovely Wicked as the Klub Smut-lection starting on the 22nd and to celebrate that, I’m kicking off my giveaway of a free copy of What Rough Beast just a tad early. Be sure to look for a second post on the 22nd, my WRB Giveaway post, to add your comment for your chance at a free copy!  Oh, and if you’ve a mind, toddle on over to Kindle Smut (a fun, Fun, FUN group!) to talk with other readers, ask me questions or just give me a hard time.

Busy, busy, busy! Don’t forget to comment below for your chance at the free paperback of Spoils of War! And happy reading, everyone!

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Lookie, lookie…

Yes, yes, I know. I’m supposed to be working. And I am. Mostly. LOL. But lookie at what a fellow writer clued me in on at ARe:

Spoils is ARe’s #10 Top Reader Rated, woo hoo!

I also received a lovely email from Barb, who nominated Spoils for the 2010 Science Fiction/Fantasy P&E Readers Poll, which I thought was pretty cool. If you’d like to cast a vote my way, you can do it right here. Actually, it seems to be on there twice, LOL. ‘T weren’t my sneaky sly doings, I swear. 😉

My swag order for What Rough Beast was delivered this afternoon, too. Yippee, HOORAY! The shirts? Are awesome! I heinously stole a tagline from a Goodreads Kindle Smut Group member for WRB’s promo shirt: Peace, Love…SMUT! Considering Kate’s got her grubby mitts on a Kindle more than once in WRB? The new line for the shirt was a moral imperative. Destiny. Fate.

Anyhoo, behold ze sexy shirt in all its awesome-ful-ness:

and keep your eye out for the contest for your chance at snagging one of them along with lots of other cool stuff: cover flat, bookmarks, hat, magnets, mugs (SQUEE!), canvas totes….The contest with the swag goodies including t-shirt, sorry, will have to wait until WRB releases, but I’ll pre-empt the release a bit to launch a giveaway for a free copy of WRB when Kindle Smut starts Lovely Wicked as a group read on the 22nd. Talk about Lovely Wicked at Kindle Smut if you’ve a mind then, pop on over here to comment on the giveaway blog (once it’s posted!) and who knows, you might get What Rough Beast for free, free, free <happy dance> once the giveaway’s over. Mwa haha ha.

Until then…My nose is back to the grindstone until the 22nd…Happy reading, everybody!

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Sneak Peak ~ What Rough Beast

Dark masters and the vampyr they’ve enslaved for millennia are at war…And the vampyr are losing.

During a raid on a dark master stronghold, Luc stumbles across Kate, a rare female susceptible to the vampyr virus. Ruthlessly hunted by the enemy, they flee — to Garrick, Luc’s mentor and friend. Garrick provides a sanctuary, but safety comes with a price. Though her mind remains very human, Garrick initiates the biological trigger that begins pair-bonding because they must mate. Quickly. Dark masters have tired of the rebellion. They will not tolerate the escape of another vampyr to mating. Dark masters flush the pair from his sanctuary and when Garrick eludes them, they seize Luc instead. Using him as bait, they draw Garrick and Kate into their trap.

Look for What Rough Beast at Loose Id on January 25, 2011! And be sure to check back here for an uber easy & fun contest as well as a giveaway, not to mention some pretty exciting news about Spoils of War. And hey, who knows, I may start posting teases…er, I mean, blurbs and samples of Plunder or I, Omega soon… 😀

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My tradtional post-holiday writing binge

After the chaos of the holidays, I traditionally lock myself away for blissful weeks of binge-writing. I go to work. I come home. I write. I occasionally eat and shower, but that’s it. By the end of January, my kids act like I’ve orphaned them and we’re all sick of take-out — but I’ll have a new book to shop around. Or not shop around, as it happens, since I’ll be binge-writing the Spoils sequel this go-round, which Noble has dibs on.

Regardless, this is my official head’s up: I’m going to ground. Other than possible (though unlikely) updates on progress, I won’t be on twitter. I won’t be on fb and if you catch me on Goodreads, please tell me to get my scrawny butt back to work because Plunder (the Spoils sequel) isn’t going to write itself. I’ll be back in action for What Rough Beast‘s release on 1/25/11. Until then…Please don’t send cadaver dogs in search of my corpse; it annoys the neighbors. 😀

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What Rough Beast’s sexy new cover and Spoils is a NOR Top Pick!

Well, isn’t that just the sexiest damn thing you’ve ever seen? LOL! Looooooooooooove What Rough Beast‘s cover from Loose Id’s resident genius, April Martinez. My heroine, Kate, looks exactly as I’d imagined her and Garrick? That man is HOT! Boy, when you say pasty-faced vamps don’t fit your story world, LI takes you at your word — Garrick’s even better than I’d pictured him. Woot woot! Thank you, April Martinez, for the sexy-hot cover — You are AWESOME!

In other news…Daisiemae at Night Owl Reviews rated Spoils of War as a 5-star Top Pick!

Spoils of War is the first book I’ve read by Kari Gregg and it won’t be my last! I loved, loved, LOVED this book and I hated for it to come to an end! I was immediately captivated by the main hero, Micah, and I wasn’t able to pull myself from the story until I read the very last word.

Read the full review right here.

Wow. Am I allowed to declare profound devotion to Daisiemae for such a fantastic review? Well, since my “profound” tends to get stuck in a Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure playland (sad, I know), I’ll just have to say I’m ecstatic that she liked Spoils and I’m grateful Daisiemae invested her time reading it as well as writing such a wonderful review. 😉

A rocking review and a drool-worthy cover? Christmas definitely came early to my house!

And yet…Not. If any of you had problems emailing your address to me yesterday for a Christmas card stuffed with lovely bookmarks and such, I’d like to assure you that the Dreaded Inbox of Despair has been vanquished! I apologize for the gremlins that wreaked havoc on my techno-bits. I’ve now wrestled the wee beasties into Total Submission so please (!!!) try sending again. Add “techno-bits” to your address inside your email if your first email bounced and I’ll bribe your forgiveness with a cover flat, okay? Cool. 😀

Wishing you all the best this holiday season…!

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Whoa. LOL! And a belated holiday freebie!

Noble’s Christmas party? Whoa. Total crazy fun! If you stopped by, I hope you had a good time and walked away with some of the way cool prizes! And if you didn’t, as it happens, it’s not too late. Things were hopping so much toward the end of my hour with the Completely Awesome Stormy Glenn and H.C. Brown (!!!SQUEE!!!) that I forgot to post my little holiday surprise for readers. Doh!

So…If you’d like to receive a Christmas card from yours truly stuffed with bookmarks and magnets for my 2010 releases, Lovely Wicked and Spoils of War, shoot an email with a mailing address for your goodies to kari {AT} karigregg {DOT} com with the subject line “Ho Ho Ho!” by midnight (EST) on Christmas Eve. If you email late, I can’t promise your goodies will reach you by Christmas, of course, but you’ll nonetheless have your bookmarks and magnets in time to welcome 2011.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a fun-filled New Year —

p.s. In case I end up on a freebie list, I’m limiting this to the first 50 replies so send your addy soon!

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Cook up a rocking good time at Noble’s Christmas party Saturday!

Whoa. Cool, huh? Noble authors’ favorite holiday recipes and the stories behind them have all been gathered together into Noble Holiday Nibbles. You can get your copy FREE just by stopping by the Noble Christmas party tomorrow! Discover the dark, dreaded seekrit of the Gregg Family Peanut Butter Mini Tax, bwa ha ha. Click on the banner below to join Noble’s yahoo group to get ze cookbook and be ready for the party kick-off at noon EST tomorrow.

Don’t care about no stupid taxes, peanut butter or otherwise? (GASP!) Fine. Be that way–how about free books that don’t require actual, ya know, cooking? 😉 Noble authors will hang out with readers throughout the day, giving away books & other goodies until 9:00 p.m. EST. Be sure to stop by at 8:00 p.m. when I’m on with the Queens of All Awesomeness, Stormy Glenn and H.C. Brown.

The countdown is on, compadres! Party, party, party…WOO HOO!!!

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Spoils of War Giveaway at Moonlight, Lace & Mayhem – and a freebie!

I’m being interviewed today at Moonlight, Lace & Mayhem — stop by and comment for your shot at a free copy of Spoils of War!

And…For those of you who aren’t Goodreads members or members of the M/M Romance Group, you can snag the pdf of my free holiday read, “You Melted Me,” right here.

And #2…Don’t forget the Noble Christmas Party on Saturday! There’ll be chats with your favorite Noble authors, games, and prizes galore! I’ll be on 8:00-9:00 p.m. EST with Stormy Glenn and H.C. Brown (WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) so stop by and see what all orneriness I can get us all into, aye? 😉

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