In the Red Review Awesomeness…and Going to Ground

Just a head’s up — the price of In the Red has dropped at Amazon from $5.99 to $4.79 — more than a buck off, dudes. O.O Go gets you some smexy hot fun! 😉

Also, Joyfully Jay reviewed In the Red — WOOT!

Oh, I just love a good geeky hero and Brian is such a great character. He is totally adorable with his floppy bangs, glasses, and rock concert t-shirts. And he has such a great combination of stubborness, intelligence, and vulnerability. His mental state is shaky and his grip on sanity sometimes weak, but he has an underlying strength that carries through everything…

But I also like…

Although I don’t think anyone needs to justify or explain why they are into a BDSM lifestyle, I did really appreciate how clearly Gregg shows how Brian’s submission is so critical to his feelings of strength and his recovery by giving him the control that he needs in the midst of his mental chaos…(Full Review)

Cool. 😀

And with that…Barring unforeseen weirdness, I’m going to ground for a while to work on new projects (a couple of sequels and Dead Reckoning, my zombie apocalypse story). I’ll be on twitter, probably tweeting lines and just hanging out, but otherwise, no, not really. If I’m not moving and grooving as much as usual, don’t send cadaver dogs in search of my corpse, okay? The zombies may eat them. Heh.

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Member’s Choice Awards — Much squee’ing ensues

Though I couldn’t make it until 6:00pm, had a GREAT time at the Goodreads M/M Romance Group‘s Member Choice Awards chat yesterday…especially once I realized I’d actually won something. O.O A coupla somethings, even. WOO HOO!



Which is so way beyond awesome and provoked massive head asplosions. LOL. So if you nominated either I, Omega or Collared or voted for them — THANK YOU!!!

Also many, many hearty CONGRATS to fellow nominees and winners (complete list copy/pasted below), but to especially a few of my writerly compadres and peeps…

Anne Tenino won #3 Best World Created and #3 SciFi/Futuristic/Post Apcolayptic for her 18% Gray (which is fabulous, btw) and also #2 for Funniest quote/Best Line for her Whitetail Rock (which is also fabulous — and FREE so click on the link to try Anne out! She’s a great person, an outstanding author and very cool. 😉

Aleksandr Voinov for #2 in Slave/Dub Con/Kidnapped for his Counterpunch — a fantastic book and NOT to be missed for any reason, ever. 😀

Megan Derr, whom I swap many a tweet with (LOL) and who also placed (HOLY COW) in Paranormal (Dance in the Dark), SciFi/Futuristic/Post Apocalyptic (Kidnapped), Best World Created (Dance in the Dark) and Best Short Story 25 pages or 15K or Less (Delivery with a Smile, available in this anthology). Haven’t read any of Megan’s books? What is your damage, dude — do eet! 😉

And too many awards to list for Josh Lanyon (fangirl SQUEE!), Damon Suede (Dood!) and too many other favorite writers & buddies to mention. So instead, how about the whole list?

Law Enforcement/PI/Firemen/Military (profession)
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price

Hottest M/M/M
Out of Focus by LA Witt
Ghost from the Past by Carol Lynne
Room at the Top by Jane Davitt and Alexa Snow

BDSM (sex content)
Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan
I Omega by Kari Gregg
Spin Out by James Buchanan

Musicians/Rockstars (profession)
American Love Songs by Ashlyn Kane
Reverb by Jet Mykles
Moonlight Becomes You by Piper Vaughn and MJ O’Shea

Anthology (book)
Don’t Read in the Closet Vol. 1
His for the Holidays
Don’t Read in the Closet GayRomLit Retreat 2011 Special Edition

Best Story that Should/Must have a Sequel
Something Like Summer by Jay Bell
Clear Water by Amy Lane
The Locker Room by Amy Lane

Best Title
Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon
How to Keep the Love of Your Life (After Mistaking Him for a Serial Killer) by Maureen Willmann
I Love You Asshole! By Amy Lane
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Where the Allegheny Meets the Monongahela by Felicia Watson

Best Tearjerking scene
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune – The scenes with Bear and the Kid in the bathtub during their ‘earthquakes’.
The Locker Room by Amy Lane – When Xander is throwing up in the bathroom after Chris gets hurt.
Bloodlines by Andrea Speed – The death of Paris.

Coming Out (theme)
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
The Locker Room by Amy Lane
Breaking Cover by Kaje Harper

Best Couple/MC’s
Ty and Zane – Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
Vic and Jacob – GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price
Jin and Logan – Honored Vow by Mary Calmes

Best Tear Jerker (theme)
The Locker Room by Amy Lane
Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton
Living Promises by Amy Lane

Best Side/Supporting Character
The Kid – Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Fly Bait – Clear Water by Amy Lane
Crane – Honored Vow by Mary Calmes

Cowboys (profession)
Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan
The Heart of Texas by RJ Scott
After the Sunset by Mary Calmes

Enemies to Lovers (theme)
The Heart of Texas by RJ Scott
Bad Company by KA Mitchell
A Thread of Deepest Black by Finn Marlowe
Bridges by MJ O’Shea

Friends to Lovers (theme)
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
The Locker Room by Amy Lane

Humorous (theme)
Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
Mummy Dearest by Josh Lanyon
Clear Water by Amy Lane

Young Adult Characters (theme)
Talker’s Redemption by Amy Lane
Something Like Summer by Jay Bell
Bridges by MJ O’Shea

Paranormal (genre)
GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price
Honored Vow by Mary Calmes
Dance in the Dark by Megan Derr

Hottest Vampire Character
Marcus – With a Kiss by Kim Dare
Titus Antonius Calidus – Natural Instincts by SJ Frost
Liam – A Chip in His Shoulder by LA Witt

Funniest Quotes/Best Lines
GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price – “I’ll blow someone for a valium” I said in Jacob’s ear. “Maybe he’s got one… but try offering a hand-job first so you retain some leverage.”
Whitetail Rock by Anne Tenino – “Sam. I’ve got news for you. Not every childhood trauma can be healed by finding the right penis.” Sam looked devastated. He opened and closed his mouth eyes wide then suddenly slumped back against the railing unable to support himself anymore. “You mean ” his voice was barely a whisper. “All those romance novels lied?”
Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux – “Ty.” Zane’s even soothing tones finally broke on the short gasp of his name. “I Love you and I’m scared I’ll lose you. Please don’t leave me alone in the dark.”

Best Sex Scene
Hot Head by Damon Suede – The couch scene.
Clear Water by Amy Lane – First time together for Whiskey and Patrick.
Bayou Dreams by Lynn Lorenz – Scott claiming his mate.

Best First Time
The Locker Room by Amy Lane
Where the Allegheny Meets the Monongahela by Felicia Watson
Wanting by Piper Vaughn

Best Debut Book
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Life Lessons by Kaje Harper

Best Overall Book of 2011
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon

Slave/Dub Con/Kidnapped (sex content/theme)
I Omega by Kari Gregg
Counterpunch by Aleksandr Voinov
His Client by Ava March

Favorite All Time M/M Series
Fatal Shadows by Josh Lanyon – Adrien English Mystery Series
Cut & Run by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux – Cut & Run
Keeping Promise Rock by Amy Lane – Promises
Promises by Marie Sexton – Coda Books

Gay/Out For You (theme)
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
The Locker Room by Amy Lane

Favorite All Time M/M Romance Book
Keeping Promise Rock by Amy Lane
Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville
Bareback by Chris Owen

Favorite All Time M/M Author
Josh Lanyon
Amy Lane
Mary Calmes

Short Story 25 pages or 15K words or less (book)
Like the Taste of Summer by Kaje Harper
Delivery with a Smile by Megan Derr
I am the Highway by Jason Huffman-Black

Favorite All Time M/M Character(s)
Ty and Zane – Cut & Run by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
Adrien and Jake – Fatal Shadows by Josh Lanyon
Vic and Jacob – Among the Living by Jordan Castillo Price

Best Free Story
Zero Hour by Jordan Castillo Price
A Little Bit Country by SJ Frost
Wanting by Piper Vaughn

Best Cover – click to see all the covers
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Something Like Summer by Jay Bell
Visible Friend by KZ Snow

SciFi/Futuristic/Post Apocalyptic (genre)
A Solid Core of Alpha by Amy Lane
18% Gray by Anne Tenino
Grown Men by Damon Suede
Kidnapped by Megan Derr
Out of the Woods by Syd McGinley

Hurt/Comfort (theme)
Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton

Long 250 pages or 100K words (book)
Divide & Conquer by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux
Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton
A Solid Core of Alpha by Amy Lane

Best World Created
A Solid Core of Alpha by Amy Lane
Dance in the Dark by Megan Derr
18% Gray by Anne Tenino
Hell’s Pawn by Jay Bell

Mystery/Whodunit (genre)
Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon
All She Wrote by Josh Lanyon
Breaking Cover by Kaje Harper

Contemporary (genre)
Hot Head by Damon Suede
Bear Otter and the Kid by TJ Klune
Come Unto These Yellow Sands by Josh Lanyon

Most Surprising/Unique Plot Device
A Solid Core of Alpha by Amy Lane
Static by LA Witt
Hell’s Pawn by Jay Bell

Hottest Shifter Character
Logan Church – Honored Vow by Mary Calmes
Shane – Shane’s Fury by Stephani Hecht
Killian Frost – A Thread of Deepest Black by Finn Marlowe

So CONGRATS all around…The M/M Romance Group has launched a new reading challenge, just for the 2011 Member’s Choice Awards books so if you’ve a mind to read some pretty awesome books, find out the details here.

And now I must go back to my zombies, LOL.

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Cheap beer at inappropriate hours…


In the Red is now available at ARe and Amazon…and rocking both’s bestseller lists. Thank you all for spending time with Zachary & Brian! I hope you love them as much as I do.

Now, I must away to celebrate with adult beverages at a truly vulgar hour. It’s 6pm somewhere, right? Yup. Thought so. 😀

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In the Red available NOW — #WOOT!

In the Red, my M/M BDSM novel, is NOW available for download at Loose Id — WAHOO!!! Click on the cover above or check out this excerpt.

And the winner of the giveaway is…


Check your mail, dood. 😉

In the meantime, I hope everybody loves Brian and Zachary in In the Red… 😀 😀 😀

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A Squee-ful Happy New Year!

Wow. 2011 was quite the ride. Thank you all for making the journey interesting and cool! Looks the ride isn’t over just yet, though. Not only do I have In the Red releasing at Loose Id on Tuesday, but…

Best BDSM 2011 Nominee for…

Woo Hoo!!! 😀 Awesome.

But the fun ain’t over just yet, because…


The voting’s ended, but Collared and I, Omega both were nominated in the Goodreads M/M Romance Group‘s Member’s Choice Awards under several categories.

THANK YOU, sincerely, to whoever nominated IO and Collared for both awards. That these stories intrigued readers enough to think of them at nomination time means more to me than I can possibly say– a wonderful gift for yours truly. So thank you. Genuinely. No joke.

Also…If you haven’t commented for your shot at a free copy of In the Red, there’s still time to do so here and if you haven’t signed up for my totally non-egregious, only-send-when-I-haz-a-new-book newsletter, do so before midnight EST today (Sunday the 1st of 2012). I’m  updating my newsletter database Monday, just prior to ITR’s release and (as with all my newsletters) one lucky subscriber is going to win a lovely prezzie. So start your 2012 right — comment & sign up for the newsletter for your shot at cool free stuff. 😀

Stay tuned for the giveaway winner on Tuesday. In the meantime, how about an In the Red excerpt?

HAPPY NEW YEARS, guys! Hoping your 2012 is full of the absolute smuttiest best… 😉

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Celebrating the Unexpected – In the Red GIVEAWAY!

Just one more week until my snarkyful M/M BDSM novel, In the Red, releases at Loose Id so…time for a giveaway! Brian, my FBI forensic accountant in In the Red, is more than a little neurotic and takes topping from the bottom to a whole nother level. If you’re in the market for another Gabriel (I, Omega) or Connor (Collared)? Keep looking because Brian ain’ t it. He’s mouthy. He’s bratty. He’s a glorious ball of contradictions and a dedicated snot. He sure isn’t what Zachary expected. But Brian could be exactly what Zachary needs.

To be entered into the drawing for a FREE copy of In the Red, I want to hear about the unexpected in YOU. C’mon, peeps! Time to trot out your bits of absurdity & what makes you uniquely you! Comment below with one thing that would surprise everyone on the shiny internetz or in RL if only they knew. I’ll draw one winner on In the Red‘s release day, January 3rd, for a FREE copy.

So comment below for your chance to win!

Also, because OMG, the cover is so utterly lickable:


Hoping your holidaze has been full of love & laughter and wishing you all the BEST in 2012…!

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Make your New Years hotter…with Six Degrees of Lust

Just a head’s up that writerly compadre, Taylor V. Donovon, is coming out with a fabulous new book just in time for New Years!

New York City FBI team leader Samuel Shaughnessy lives for his immediate family and his job. After a marriage gone wrong he has stuck to a firm rule when it comes to relationships: he doesn’t have them. Sexually active and emotionally unavailable keeps him satisfied, especially now that he is in hot pursuit of a serial killer targeting gay men.

Former firefighter Machlan O’Bannon now manages a successful sports bar in Houston and after years of waiting he’s ready to stand up and be the man he always wanted to be: out, proud and drama-free. His politically-aligned family wants to keep him locked in the closet, but Mac just wants to meet the man of his dreams.

A chance meeting brings the two men together, and one night of passion ignites a fire neither can fight.

One man is as high strung as the other is laid back. Their lives are not only miles apart, but as different as day and night. They don’t want to get involved…but will they be able to stay apart?

Don’t know Taylor yet? Well, here’s your perfect opp to get to know an outstanding new author to kick off your 2012 right! You can find Taylor on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and follow her blog. She also posts as a regular at Chicks & Dicks. Or peruse ze official bio…

Taylor V. Donovan is a compulsive reader and author of m/m romantic suspense. She is optimistically cynical about the world; lover of history, museums and all things 80s. She is crazy about fashion, passionate about civil rights and equality for all and shamelessly indulges in mind-numbing reality television.

When she is not making a living in the busiest city in the world or telling the stories of gorgeous men hot for one another, Taylor can be found raising her two daughters and two terribly misbehaved furry babies in the mountains she calls home.

Click on the cover of Six Degrees of Lust to get our copy on December 30th!

And a personal CONGRATS to Taylor from moi. Can’t wait to get my grubby hands on this book. 😀 😀 😀

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In the Red — Cover Hotness

Look at that stomach. Look at those pretty, perky nipples. I wants to bite them. Dayum.

Yes, I am that shallow, shaddup. 😉

Forensic accountant Brian Foster was a rising star at TFOS — the FBI’s Terrorism Financing Operations Section — until he was abducted, “questioned,” and left for dead. His nine days of captivity broke him. Brian retreats to the mountains of western Maryland where he amasses enough weaponry to declare himself an independent nation and enough lamps to pinpoint his location from the International Space Station. He’s losing the battle against paranoia. Too bad TFOS needs him. Brian stumbled onto something big when he vanished last year and TFOS needs that case resolved. Now.

The FBI tasks Special Agent Zachary Murdock with gluing Brian together and returning him to TFOS. Brian will steady once he focuses on work instead of his neuroses. As Zachary nudges Brian back into the career that cost him dearly, Brian’s paranoia escalates. Personal and professional lines blur. Zachary isn’t sure which presents the biggest complication anymore: Brian’s peculiar brand of crazy, the case they’re working, or the closeted submissive’s surprising — and enthralling — kink.

Zachary and Brian both know, when the case heats up and they’re forced to run, they’re operating at a loss, though: they are in the red.

Available at Loose Id January 3rd! Don’t wanna wait til the 3rd? Me neither. Waiting sucks. Mosey on back here the day after Christmas, though, for the start of a pre-release post-holiday giveaway plus a sneak peek!

Otherwise…A little bird (several little birds, actually, LOL) tells me both I, Omega and Collared are up for Goodreads M/M Romance Group awards! Whoa. That’s pretty effin cool and a wonderful holiday gift for moi. Thank you — SO MUCH — to those who nominated me! You don’t have to be a M/M Romance group member to swing a vote my way too. Just click here. And I promise that’s the only bit of vote whoring you’ll see from me. 😀

Wishing all of you happiness and much love this holiday season…

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#freereads are #awesome — Heh.

I gots another fabulous new cover from the wholly awesome Lou Harper! This one’s for my free short story for the Goodreads M/M Romance Group‘s Hot Summer Days event last July and is also available in this free anthology!

Without further ado…

Matt appears on Denny’s doorstep four years after Matt’s mother — Denny’s stepmother — put Denny on the first bus out of California. Loving his very closeted stepbrother cost Denny everything once: his home, his family, the safety net of his trust fund. Everything. Denny built a new life. Matt finally coming out has stirred his stepmother’s wrath, though, and four years of not loving Matt is about to cost Denny everything. Again.

Or is it?

Content warning: brothercest (stepbrothers)

Click on the cover above to get your FREE copy today — WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Be on the lookout for a massively fun giveaway to celebrate In the Red‘s January 3rd release with Loose Id — I’ll be throwing a post-holiday bash with prezzies starting December 27th!

And in the meantime…I’m working, dudes. Zombies. Well, no, zombies aren’t characters in the book, LOL, but I’m playing inside a dystopian world created by a zombie apocalypse, working title: Dead Reckoning. Deets to come… 😉

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Ho Ho Ho

Tis the season for much ho ho ho’ing and Santa (in the guise of the fabulous Lou Harper) came early this year, bringing lovely prezzies — a new cover for last year’s holiday free read, “You Melted Me”:

Brian couldn’t resist playboy executive Leland Whitacre in spite of their employer’s strict no fraternization policy. Leland isn’t just his boss, though. He’s the son of the company’s CEO. And Brian has fallen in love. Hurt by too many stolen kisses and nooners at seedy hotels, Brian finally broke off their secret affair two weeks ago. Leland isn’t ready to let Brian go and he isn’t above seducing Brian — again — to give them both what they really want for Christmas: each other.

Pretty, no? Click on the cover above to get a free pdf of “You Melted Me” from ARe or get it on my website or at Goodreads. Best of all? Lou is very graciously working on a new cover for “The Importance of Being Denny,” too. She let me have a peek at the cover-in-progress and trust me, it’s bee-yoo-tiful. YAY! Keep an eye on my site, because as soon as the cover’s done and I have a chance, Denny will go up as a free read on ARe too.

In the meantime, why not take a gander at Lou’s newest release, Winter Warmers, an anthology with the awesome Clare London, Chrissy Munder, Josephine Myles and JL Merrow?

Baby, it’s cold outside! Beat the chill with Winter Warmers—a seasonal anthology.

Mulled wine. Butterscotch kisses. Hideous sweaters. Candy at the beach, or a trip to a sex shop in Amsterdam. And the man of your dreams, wrapped around you…

Winter warmers come in many shapes and sizes, from the tongue-in-cheek to the hot-as-hell. Enjoy a quintet of heart-warming tales of men loving men from Clare London, Chrissy Munder, JL Merrow, Josephine Myles, and Lou Harper that are guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face.

One thing’s for sure—it’s going to be a red-hot Christmas!

Check Winter Warmers out at ARe and Amazon today!

In the meantime #2, In the Red, a M/M BDSM mystery & my final release for this fall/winter, will be out in less than three weeks.  Special Agent Zachary Murdock faces his toughest assignment yet: bringing traumatized forensic accountant Brian Foster back to work — Ruthless terrorists trying to kill them doesn’t help. Nobody gets enslaved, raped or their brain chemistry altered by mutated crops. Astonishing, ain’t it? LOL! Keep your eyeballs glued right here, though, for a peek at ITR’s cover, excerpt and a fun pre-release, post holiday giveaway blitz. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter before New Years Day too — I’ll be giving a belated holiday prezzie to one lucky newsletter subscriber for ITR’s release on the 3rd!

And a concluding thank you to all — I, Omega and Collared both are hanging out on the Kindle Gay & Lesbian Bestseller list and have both earned their bestseller stars at ARe. O.O Wow. Awesome.

Hoping your holiday season so far has been very, very merry!

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