Collared is out NOW — waHOO!

Just a head’s up — you can now find Collared at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at ARe.

Hap, hap, happy release day! ๐Ÿ˜€

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#SaturdaySnark: In the Red ~ I Don’t Want To Suffer

It’s #SaturdaySnark time again folks and glory days, I wasn’t drowning in work this week so I can play too — WOOT! I’m once again revisiting Brian Foster, my nutty & paranoid forensic accountant in In the Red, which I can finally announce a release date for, by the by: January 3, 2012. At Loose Id!

Brianโ€™s eyes glittered with an intensifying wildness that made Zacharyโ€™s heart hurt. โ€œI need light, guns, and sex.โ€

Zachary hauled Brian up from the floor. โ€œFood.โ€ Brianโ€™s muscles tensed in stiff reluctance, but he allowed Zachary to guide him to the old butter tubs cannibalized for soup bowls on the kitchen table. โ€œThen sleep.โ€ He pushed Brian down into a waiting chair.

Brian stared long minutes, his eyes as haunted as the ghosts that the movie insisted roamed this stretch of land. โ€œLandis is wrong. Theyโ€™ll come for me, Murdock, and theyโ€™ll get me. Because Landis doesnโ€™t believe me. Nobody believes me. Theyโ€™ll get me because TFOS is looking the other way.โ€

Gut knotted, Zachary waved to the spoon.

โ€œWhy? Theyโ€™ll starve me again, and if Iโ€™m already weak, I wonโ€™t take as long to die.โ€ Brian snorted. โ€œI donโ€™t want to suffer.”

Want more snark? Click on the banner above to swoosh right on over to Marie Sexton’s blog for even more snark action! And many thanks to Marie Sexton for the snarkiful fun! ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh, and since I’ve got y’all here…


Collared is now available for download at Riptide for those who pre-ordered (or pre-order now)! YAY! YAY! YAY!

No, I haven’t had too much coffee. What makes you say that? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Finally…If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter, please do so NOW. I’m updating my database tomorrow (Sunday) and will be giving away any title from my back and front list to one lucky subscriber when the newsletter goes out come Monday — and that includes the snark-tastic In the Red. So if you want a shot at a freebie of ITR? Sign up, sign up, sign up! ๐Ÿ˜€

Happy Saturday!

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Obligatory Thanksgiving Gratitudes

Apparently, Thanksgiving is tomorrow — huh. how’d that happen? ๐Ÿ˜‰ — so I thought a list of this perv’s gratitudes might be in order…

I am grateful for
(in no particular order):

*Each and every writerly & readerly compadre I’ve talked to by phone or mail over the past month. You know who you are — I love you all

*Eight O’Clock Whole Bean Colombian, freshly ground

*RL peeps who don’t nominate themselves as judge, jury & executioner over my clients, their needs or my interest in meeting those needs

*Anne McCaffrey & her Dragonriders of Pern series — RIP Ms McCaffrey, you opened my eyes to a wider, richer world

*Dh, who got up early on his day off to fix a co-worker’s dryer exhaust before we leave for Thanksgiving at my folks. There is no man with a bigger, selfless heart.

*Peanut Butter Oreos

*New tunes for the Thanksgiving drive to Mom’s

*My kids — after this, Mommy isn’t working today or tomorrow, I promise

*Kindle Smutters…for mojitos, Toby Keith and Pludner. You guys are The Best ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


*Readers who put the YAY in my happy by giving my dark, smut-astic little stories a spin

*MOAR Eight O’Clock Whole Bean Columbian, freshly ground (Dear God, I need to wake the hell UP already…)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my American peeps. May your hearts be every bit as full as your stomachs. ๐Ÿ˜€

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What Rough Beast, nominee for Best Erotic PNR (Vampires) 2011 at TRR!

Heya, guys! Just got word that What Rough Beast has been nominated for Best Erotic PNR (Vampire) 2011 at The Romance Reviews! WOO HOO!!! Click here if you want to swing a vote my way, but honestly, no vote whoring for me. I’m just tickled to be nominated at all. So I can sport the sexy new shiny:

The Romance ReviewYAY!!!

If you are over at TRR voting, reading reviews or just hanging out, you simply MUST check out TRR’s Year End Splash:

LOADS of prizes to be won and fun to be had. Stop by and check it out! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Collared Excerpt

Finally got around to posting an excerpt for Collared, dudes — just hover over the books tab above or click here.

Also, many WOO HOO’s! I, Omega is the #1 Bestseller in BDSM Erotica at Fictionwise and #2 in the general Erotica category. O.O Whoa. Excessively cool, especially considering fw’s coupon discounts so you can get it for less of ze moneys. YAY!

Hope you like the peek at Collared…And Happy Reading!

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#SaturdaySnark ~ at the gun range, In the Red

Time for a return to Saturday Snark, with many thanks to Marie Sexton for the snarkfest!

When Brian’s arms rose to aim his next shot, Zachary curved his arms around him, except this time he skimmed a hand under the thin cotton of Brian’s shirt so his fingers brushed warm skin. Silky to the touch, hard muscle beneath, Zachary stroked his sides, stretching a thumb to tangle in the coarse hair of his stomach.

Brian tensed.

“Take it easy, babe.” Zachary leaned to press his mouth to the crook of his rigid shoulder. “You’ll foul your shot.”

The smaller man snorted. “You expect me to keep shooting while you grope me?”

Zachary’s hand glided up Brian’s chest to brush his palm over a nipple.

Brian gasped.


In the Red, Contracted with Loose Id

Want more snark action? Click on the linked banner above to go to Marie Sexton’s blog for more snarky-ful fun. ๐Ÿ˜€

Also, just a head’s up that I, Omega is now available at Fictionwise and ARe, where IO is a Top 5 Bestseller in the Gay category as well as Vampire/Werewolves and BDSM categories. (Whoa.) And a MASSIVE, GINORMOUS THANK YOU (!!!) to everyone…IO’s been in the top 5 of the Kindle Gay & Lesbian Bestseller list for about a week now too. Which. Is. AWESOME — YAY!

๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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Back from the beach…

Hiya, guys! I’m back from my trip to the beach and OMFG, was that ever the most awesome week EVAH! Myrtle in off-season is just about perfect. The water’s still warm, you have acres of beach as your play land, no lines at the restaurants, everything is on sale and hardly no traffic. I had the hot tub to myself. To. My. Self. (Well, I let dh dip a toe — I’m generous that way.)

But now I’m home and back in bizness. God help me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Newsy bits…I, Omega‘s got a couple 5 star reviews at Amazon and is hanging around the Gay & Lesbian Top100 so YAY for that! Collared will be releasing in a month’s time which means the grand unveiling of the #GenAlteredCorn Contest of Woot is just a few days away. In the Red, my M/M BDSM mystery is with my editor at Loose Id and tentatively scheduled to be released in January. More about ITR soon!

Also, don’t forget to check out:

for loads of prizes, interviews and giveaways. YOU could win an iPad, Kindle or Nook so click on the badge above to go to the party page and win, Win, WIN today. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

As for what’s in the works next for moiPlunder (the Spoils of War) sequel is back on the table, as is a Dystopian zombie apocalypse story. Have not yet settled on my third. (I work onย  manuscripts in bunches.) For now, I’m wrapping up a short I started then didn’t have time to finish early this fall, set during the Northeast earthquake. Hee hee hee. If my husband ever reads it, I expect divorce proceedings or (at the very least) to spend a solid month figuring out where the man hid my underwear. Vengeful bastard. God love him. ๐Ÿ˜€

Be on the lookout for an excerpt of Collared soon…until then, Happy reading!

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I Omega’s at Amazon!

If you’ve been waiting for the Kindle edition to read I, Omega, thar ya go. And it already has a 5 star review — WOOT!


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Are you afraid for your virtue? #SaturdaySnark!

Another bit from the snark-a-thon that is In the Red, my M/M BDSM mystery contracted with Loose Id:

Brian Foster was a beautiful fucked up mess.

Zachary wanted to wrap him in cotton so nothing would ever happen to him.

Zachary wanted to fuck him and promise nothing would hurt him again. Which was almost as crazy as the sneering blushes and Brian’s munitions stockpile. Probably crazier. Zachary laughed though, because as contrary and neurotic as the guy was, his puritanical outrage made Zachary feel good. He wagged his eyebrows, traced the line of his zipper with a taunting finger. “Are you afraid for your virtue, sweetheart?” When Brian chambered a round, Zachary snickered. “Maybe I should fear for mine.”


Get MOAR snarky fun by clicking on the linked banner above to head on over to Marie Sexton’s blog for zeย  snarkfest of woot!

Also, just because I’m a beyotch and I can:

Fed up with people giving you shit for reading/writing erotic rom, erotica and (God forbid) including sex in your books? ME TOO! Say YES to the Smut-Lover’s Manifesto in support of QUALITY smut by signing the manifesto in comments (click on the linked badge above) or grabbing the badge for your site, blog or Goodreads profile. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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In Defense of the Fuckfest ~ A Smut-Lover’s Manifesto

I write smut. Really hot smut. Melt your Kindle and email the author (that would be me) with the moisture status of your panties (or the length & girth of your very insistent wanker) smut. I write sex and a lot of it. I’m not ashamed of that. Hell, I LOVE it. I love the sweat. I love the jabbing elbows and long, smooth strokes. I love the sounds, the smells, the groans…I love. writing. sex. And judging by the wonderful squirmy-filled emails, readers love it too.

Which is why it pisses me off that writing good quality smut is looked upon with so much disrespect and sneering disdain. And yes, I am including authors I consider friends, some of whom I greatly admire, in that.

Writing sex is easy, they say. It just fills space that should be sucked up by plot and character and <insert pretentious literary element/device here>! Readers are tired of sex and skim right over it…

Oh really?

If readers are skimming over your sex scenes, dudes, pardon me for saying so, but you ain’t doing it right. Sex doesn’t take the place of plot and characterization, either. Sex — the right kind of sex — ADVANCES plot and ENRICHES characterization. If it doesn’t? You’re doing that wrong too.

Writing sex — good sex — is not easy.

The right kind of sex engages the reader. They (and you) should feel it on a visceral level — not just physically but emotionally. Readers experience the whisper-soft caress of fingertips skating down the bumps of the hero’s spine…because you’ve damned well made them feel it. They hear the pulse pounding in the hero’s head…because you’ve invested them so deeply that the reader’s pulse is pounding a frantic staccato in their heads too.

You think that’s easy? To drag readers into your world of sensation and consuming want?


They share your hero’s turmoil, the chaos reigning in what’s left of his mind as shaky arousal and lust overtake him. He wants it. He needs to be touched…right…there. Please. Does he like to beg? Does he crave it?

Or are you too busy with the mechanics of inserting Tab A into Slot B to notice or care?

Sex, good sex, forges such a strong connection between the hero and readers that they become as aroused as your character does. The hero buckles to that want in spite of all the reasons he shouldn’t — and your readers do too. Readers don’t skim that scene, dudes. Because they are as invested in the sex as the hero is. He has something at stake. Something to lose, something to learn — and so very, very much to feel. And if you’ve done your job right — your readers do too.

I have very few pretensions about what I do. I write fuckfests. I write porn WITH plot. I write hot little stories that will turn you on — and eviscerate you, all at the same time. I write smut. But it’s quality smut. I will turn you on, or I’ve failed. I will invite you into my slightly skewed view of the world, or I’ve failed. I will take you on a journey. I will entertain you. Or I’ve failed.

Too much sex, you say?

No, compadres. Too much isn’t the problem. What I see lacking is good sex. Boring sex? Phone-it-in sex? Uninspired, emotionally flat, pointless canned sex is everywhere. Good sex is practically an endangered species, though. Fucking and sucking that turns you on, tells the story and reveals something new about your hero TO your hero (and to you!) is rare. I’m talking about sex that gives you the total package. It grips your heart, hitches your breath, makes your body flash hot. Emotionally evocative sex that moves, affects and inspires you (and not just the contents of your underwear). It engages you physically, sure, but also emotionally and intellectually. That kind of sex? Of that, there isn’t nearly enough.

And God help you if you dare to write it.

Some will say it’s only mindless titillation for the sake of filthy lucre. Because, yanno, no “serious” writer could ever genuinely enjoy or be drawn to writing such stories. Some blithely and blindly act as though there’s no merit in it. Because erotica (good and bad) doesn’t fit their parameters of what is acceptable in M/M. We, as a genre, should outgrow such crude beginnings. Your work — the work you’ve sweat blood over to produce the best story possible– will be ignored (at best) and otherwise, demeaned. Simply because it’s erotica and good erotica just isn’t good enough.

Fuck that.

I write smut. I entertain people. I stir hearts and gonads. I ask readers to take a step or three outside their comfort zones and consider the world from a different perspective. And I write sex. Lots of it.

I won’t apologize.

And I am not ashamed.


If you aren’t ashamed to fly your freak flag too, I’ve got this uber cool Yes to the Fuckfest badge for ya. Show your support for quality smut by signing the Smut-Lover’s Manifesto in comments below and/or grab the nifty badge for your site, blog or Goodreads profile!

Image ID: 183666 courtesy of Patti at stock.xchng

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