Spoils of War Reviewed by QMO!

Woot, woot! Summer reviewed Spoils of War for Queer Magazine Online: Kari Gregg knows how to capture the reader with her scorching prose.

Scorching…Woo boy, I cannot begin to tell you how much I adore that word. LOL.

Also a reminder that my holiday free read, “You Melted Me” will post in the M/M Romance Group at Goodreads on Sunday, December 12th for the M/M group’s 25 Days of Christmas…M/M Style event. There have already been a lot of crazy good stories posted (remember: one each day, with a couple days with bonus stories thrown in, too!) so if you haven’t been reading? You are missing. oooooooooout. Not a M/M group member? Head on over to the M/M Romance Group, join the group right this minute to start reading and have fun with a great bunch of people.

Go on.

I’ll wait.


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Spoils of War Bestseller at Amazon!

Wow. I waited a few days to see if it was, ya know, a fluke, but…There it still is so here I am all giddy about it! Spoils of War has broke into a couple of Amazon’s category Bestseller lists: Kindle Ebooks Fiction Genre Gay & Lesbian as well as Books Gay & Lesbian Literature & Fiction. Spoils has been holding pretty strong in Kindle Romance Fantasy, Futuristic & Ghost Hot New Releases, too. And someone added Micah from Spoils to this Wikipedia entry, which may seem silly and stupid compared to the bestseller thing, but it tickled me to death regardless and made my day so whoever did it? Thanks! That was cool. 😀

All of which spells Awesome Weekend for me! So if you’ve downloaded Spoils from Noble, ARe or Amazon — THANK YOU!!! Those of you who have rated, reviewed &/or contacted me privately, THANK YOU PART DEUX!!!! I’m ecstatic that so many readers are picking up a copy and liking Spoils, too…As I work farther into the sequel, readers who loved the first steps of Eli and Micah’s journey warm my heart and makes the fingers fly over the keys just a bit faster because, trust me, I’m just as eager for you to see them build their new life together as you are.

WOO HOO and thanks, everyone, for giving Micah a few hours of your time — Kari

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Party, party, party — Noble Romance to put the HO in your HOlidays Dec. 18th!

Click on the linked banner above to join the Noble Romance Yahoo group to be in on the rocking good time — giveaways, chats , games and merry-making — planned for Saturday, Dec. 18th! Noble authors like Lydia Nix, Brita Addams and Jude Mason are giddily signing up for slots to be there live for the festivities with readers and yes, that includes yours truly. I’ll no doubt hop in and out throughout the day, but I’ll definitely be there to party down 8:00-9:00 p.m. EST when I’m teamed up with Stormy Glenn and H.C. Brown — OMG, some of you just have to show up to save me from my fangirl self and remind me I’m supposed to be a professional instead of, you know, squee’ing and generally making an ass of myself because — hello? — Stormy Glenn and H.C. Brown. O.M.G!!!!

So mark your calendars for Dec. 18th and stop by 8:00-9:00 p.m. EST to help me beat down my shameless fangirl hussy!


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Spoils of War at ARe

Spoils of War is ARe’s #2 Sci-fi/Fantasy Bestseller, #2 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Highest Rated and #4 Highest Rated Gay eBook!

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

Also, be on the look out — my short story free read, “You Melted Me,” will post in the M/M Romance Group at Goodreads on December 12th. The free reads will begin posting on December 1st and will continue posting one per day through December 25th so if you aren’t a M/M Romance Group or Goodreads member, you’re missing out on some good stuff guaranteed to put the HO in your HOlidays…bwa ha ha….so don’t miss out on the fun — join!

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Nancy, I feel your pain — you get a free book!

Nancy Carbajal posted the most…er…interesting story about her relatives over at the streamed copy of this post at goodreads so she wins her free book of choice at either ARe or Amazon! Congrats, Nancy! Or should I offer my sympathies? If it makes you feel one iota better, I share the distinction of being one of the few who’ve never been arrested in my family, too. 😉

I’m back from my folks and working on finishing up my holiday free read for the m/m group at goodreads. Woo boy — hot, Hot, HOT. It’s been so long since I’ve done short form, I forgot how much fun it is, but now that I’ve been reminded, no way am I giving it up again. Once the holiday crush eases up and my schedule clears…Could my to-do list grow any longer? Wow, look, it just did. LOL.

In other news, I have my brand spanking new series title for my vampires (and were shifters, actually, LOL) releasing at Loose Id in late January. Blood Oath: What Rough Beast will be first, then (tentatively), Blood Oath: The Widening Gyre, Blood Oath: Blood-Dimmed Tide, and so on and so forth. As we get closer to release, I’m getting more and more excited about my poor beleagured war-torn vampyrs. I’ll have to think up a really cool fang-tastic (hardee har har) contest for them…uh…I mean for you! Keep an eye out. Once I have a cover, I’ll put my contest hat on and see what fun I can come up with.

Happy reading, everybody!

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I am thankful for…

Very soon, I will pack up the kiddos for the always-less-than-wise Thanksgiving trek to my folks’ in the more rural and isolated parts of WV. A land that should require a passport, travel warnings from the U.N. and extra shots. I will fix my parent’s computer. Again. (Dad, please stop downloading free porn.) Being that it still hasn’t sunk in with my family that my husband is in law enforcement after ten years, I’ll tra-la-la my way through the criminal elements offering me stolen property (yes, our chain saw is dead; no, I don’t want your…ahem…”found” one) or drugs (newsflash: this isn’t CA and more significantly, you don’t have cancer). When my dear brother (who is juggling 3 women, not including his idiot wife) looks at me like I’m trash? My incredulous snort will not echo. And I’ll try not to cringe too much at the assorted weaponry that guarantees my kin’s safety in the event of zombie plague.

I have a cousin who hits on me every year, without fail. He is a first cousin, has no discernible teeth and apparently views bathing as a shifty, suspect thing. That? Funny.

“They found what in the cemetery and why in the name of God were they digging there?”

Items to pause & reflect upon: duct tape sculpture, lawn tractors as family vehicles, and alcoholic beverages poured from re-purposed 2 liter soda bottles.

So this year, I am exceedingly grateful for my family. The entertainment value alone…You just can’t make this crap up.

Nutty relatives. Everybody’s got at least one and the absurd tends to take center stage during the holidays. So what’s your favorite “my family is nuckng futs” story? If anyone’s brave enough to share in comments below, I’ll do a drawing for the funniest or most bizarre story, winner to receive his/her book of choice (limit of $15) from Amazon (direct gift to Kindle) or ARe when I return from the land of Dubious Internet Connections.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

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Congrats, Constance — Twofer Noble Launch Winner!

Woo hoo, Constance, you’re the Twofer Noble Launch Winner! I’ll be emailing Constance her $10 Noble Romance promo code and her box of goodies (in the interests of clarity, fave chocolate of the moment is Dark Chocolate Caramel Treasures…bwa ha ha) will go out on Monday.

Also…I haven’t put the link up yet, but you can now follow me on twitter! But if you catch me online this weekend, please tell me to get my skinny butt back to work. Deal? Cool. LOL

Happy Friday, everybody!

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Twofer Noble Launch Contest deadline & what crackhead did this to my calendar?

The deadline for the Twofer Noble Launch Contest (click on the Fun & Free tab for details) is fast approaching — get your entry in by Nov. 18th for your shot at $10 Noble Romance promo code & assorted goodies! Winner to be announced on the 19th.

Click on the Fun & Free tab to see a new page for the 25 Days of Christmas…M/M Style! The M/M Group at Goodreads posted a call for Santa Letters with pictures that readers want a short story for. Authors claim a letter, then stuff that stocking by writing a free read for the pic, limit of 25 pictures/free reads, which will be available in the M/M Group in December. Not on Goodreads or the M/M Group? Dude, that is so wrong. Join! Anyhoo, I grabbed my pic and whoa, is it hot, Hot, HOT! Can’t wait to see what everyone else comes up with!

I’m also plugging away at edits for What Rough Beast, whose series title has been changed. Or rather, will be changed once we figure out what to do with it. The titles for the books are all drawn from Yeats’ “The Second Coming,” with What Rough Beast as book one, book two tentatively entitled The Widening Gyre and book three as Blood-Dimmed Tide, etc. The titles reflect the mood and each book’s place in the series. I’d like the series title to reflect my vampyr mythology or the Rebellion, but we shall see.

With all of the above rolling along, the sequel to Spoils of War (working title Right Ascension) is going at a snail’s pace due to lack of time, but it has been started.

Isn’t it Friday yet?

Happy reading, everyone!

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A Giveaway to woo hoo my first interview!

Nichelle Gregory, author of The Gingerbread Tryst, Rapunzel’s Release, and The Enchanted Flute is interviewing me today on her Simply Sexy Stories blog! My first interview — woot! woot!

Stop by and comment on Spoils of War or my overall uber geeky answers to Nichelle’s questions (LOL) on her blog by Monday to be entered into a drawing for a free copy of Spoils of War!

Also, another woo hoo from me — I gots me a star! Spoils of War is a Sci-fi/Fantasy bestseller at ARe!

And finally, congratulations to Jase! You won the drawing for goodies for commenting on the cover I made for Josh Lanyon’s cover art contest! Check your messages on goodreads, sweetie. 😉

Oh happy, happy day! Have an excellent weekend, everybody!

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Spoils of War at Amazon — and a question of sequels

Spoils of War is now available at Amazon! Woot! Woot!


Seems a few of you are wondering about sequels. Will Lovely Wicked have a sequel? Spoils of War? I’ve been sorta kinda maybe fielding those questions privately as they came along, but incredibly inefficient so let me say now — yes and yes. Both Spoils of War and Lovely Wicked were written with sequels in mind. The much more difficult question to answer is when will those sequels appear?

I’d originally intended to write LW’s sequel first, but far and away, a lot more readers have asked for/about what happens next with Micah and Eli so Spoils of War it is. While Vampyr Chronicles: What Rough Beast is in edits, I’ll also be working on SoW2. (That is so not the title, btw, so please don’t spread that around.) As soon as I have a guesstimate as to when or teases…er, I mean excerpts!…to share, I’ll give a shout.

Until then — happy reading!

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