Wow. I waited a few days to see if it was, ya know, a fluke, but…There it still is so here I am all giddy about it! Spoils of War has broke into a couple of Amazon’s category Bestseller lists: Kindle Ebooks Fiction Genre Gay & Lesbian as well as Books Gay & Lesbian Literature & Fiction. Spoils has been holding pretty strong in Kindle Romance Fantasy, Futuristic & Ghost Hot New Releases, too. And someone added Micah from Spoils to this Wikipedia entry, which may seem silly and stupid compared to the bestseller thing, but it tickled me to death regardless and made my day so whoever did it? Thanks! That was cool. 😀
All of which spells Awesome Weekend for me! So if you’ve downloaded Spoils from Noble, ARe or Amazon — THANK YOU!!! Those of you who have rated, reviewed &/or contacted me privately, THANK YOU PART DEUX!!!! I’m ecstatic that so many readers are picking up a copy and liking Spoils, too…As I work farther into the sequel, readers who loved the first steps of Eli and Micah’s journey warm my heart and makes the fingers fly over the keys just a bit faster because, trust me, I’m just as eager for you to see them build their new life together as you are.
WOO HOO and thanks, everyone, for giving Micah a few hours of your time — Kari
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